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The hedgehog jumped awake with a gasp.

Frantically looking around, he realised that he was home again. Though he didn't feel safe.

Shadow got up, only bothering to put on a pair of shorts as he made his way into his older sibling figure's room, not bothering to knock before opening her door. He saw the bat scribbling things onto papers which Shadow wasn't bothered about.

"That nightmare again?" Rouge asked, not looking away from her work as she spoke.

She was answered with silence. The bat understood though. Shadow knew that. Rouge had a strange talent of knowing exactly how Shadow feels without needing to hear a word from him.

With a small hum, the bat spoke again. "You would like a drink first yes?"

Another moment of silence answered again. The bat got up, walking over to the tired Shadow still stood in her doorway, gently taking his hand and leading him to the kitchen. She turned on a dim lamp so that Shadow wasn't stood in darkness and started making a drink for him. (I believe its called like- horlicks or something what I'm referring to but you can think of it as other things)

"...Same nightmare as always I'm assuming? With... you know who?" The bat spoke after a few moments of silence.

This time, she was answered with a sigh.

"I'm assuming you'd rather not talk about it." Rouge held a warm drink in front of Shadow, noticing that his currently ungloved hands might be sensitive to the heat if she were to just give it to him without warning. "Careful. It's still hot. I did try to cool it down though so it should be drinkable."

"Thank you." The hedgehog's voice cracked as he spoke. He took the drink and stared at it for a moment. "...You remind me of her, Rouge."

"Oh yea? Fabulous? Good lookin'?" The bat joked.

Shadow chuckled. "You could say that, I suppose. But I was referring to how understanding you can be. It surprises me sometimes when you do that-"

"Well it isn't too hard. I try to read your body language, if you're wondering how I do it. I know most mobians don't think to do that anymore."

Shadow smiled and sipped his drink.

"Like the other day, remember when we spoke to that new hedgehog? Silver? With Espio. I could tell you quite liked the two. Perhaps you consider them friends?"

"Perhaps." Once shadow had finished his drink, he placed it on the table.

"Are you comfortable to sleep in your room tonight?"

Shadow nodded.

"Alright then." Rouge held Shadow's arm lightly to lead him to his room. She tucked him into bed and whispered softly into his ear. "Goodnight dear." She kissed the top of his head and left his room, trying to stay quiet as possible. She returned to her own room and returned to doing her work. She always enjoyed taking care of Shadow. It made her feel... not so useless anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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