The Third Circle: Gluttony, Cerberus

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IT'S here!!

It's finally here!

New chapter Baby!!!

I first want to say that I am so, so sorry for the long delay for this chapter but if any of you read my Female Deku fic then you already know.

If not then here it is! As I was finishing writing this initially, some how I lost it all, I tried to get it back(even asked my brother-in-law for help) but neither one of us could find it so I started over again.

Anyway, this was Soooo long to write again but I have it done and I am so happy to have it done!

Also, get ready to meet the cute Guard Dogs of Hades!

I'll let you get to it and please enjoy!


As our companions ride down the elevator everyone seems to think about their own things.

Pandemonica is thinking about the delicious drink that she commandeered for the Mortal.

Modeus is really into the book, while also stealing small looks at the Mortal that gave it to her.

Izuku is busy looking at his notebook, writing in it.

Though he hasn't learned much about Hell, what he has seen and what Pande said was very informative and fascinating.

He would ask more but his anxiety in talking to girls.

Pretty girls were difficult.

Beautiful girls he tried to stay away as he usually got beat up by boys near her, or even their boyfriends.

It's difficult when people target you for being a Quirkless freak.

Even more so when it's been like that since he was four.

Shaking his head he continues to focus on writing in his notebook.

The only thing that kept him sane for years.

Just like his dream.

A dream...

...that is slowly fading away.


He is taken out of it as the elevator slows down and soon stops. Closing his notebook and putting it in his backpack, he and his companions are met with the dark, gloomy air and atmosphere.

As the company exits the elevator, Izuku looks around, his curious mind active in seeing this new area.

"This is the Third Circle Izuku, Gluttony," Pande states as she looks out before the muddy, damp landscape that is the Third Circle of Hell. Looking up at the high, dark, sky, she frowns before turning to her fellow demon and the cute Mortal.

No One Will Know She Thought That.

"We should move quickly before the storm hits, which it seems any minute," Pande says before she starts moving down the muddy path, her shoes getting dirty. Izuku and Modeus follow behind her. Modeus did close and hide the book underneath her blazer.

Already on their walk, Izuku hears thunder. Pande was right, they better move it. Or quickly find shelter soon.

Moving quickly down their path, thunder echoing as they travel, but they stopped as a bright flash of lightning appears in the dark sky.

Then another one, but this strikes down not too far away from her, making the group stop.

"Best find shelter, and now," Pande says. The three quickly try to move to find some shelter.

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