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Hickory AU

Lopher Azarienth, the wealthiest businessman in New York state. At least that's what all the newspapers read. The truth about him is on the darker side of things. On the outside, yes, he is a wealthy man, but passed that he has a dark side. A mafia boss is how the underworld sees him. Moreover, he's the mafia boss. Running everything beneath the surface, drug trades, prostitution, heists, artillery and human trafficing for the slave trade. He is no ordinary businessman. And this is no ordinary story.

With a blindfold over her eyes, she had no idea she was standing naked before an audience of hundreds of disgusting rich aristocrats. Her long dark brown hair rested just past her breasts, of which were an average B cup size. Her skin a fair tone and her eyes a bright green. She wasn't too thin or very curvy, but average fit. She also didn't know if the wealthy didn't want to buy her, she would be sold at a lower bid to povertice filth. She stood shaking under hot stage lights as an announcer to her right shouted out attributes about her body. After which he began calling out bid numbers fast. With the speed at which the price of her skyrocketed, she began to understand what was happening. She was indeed being sold and she became very scared of what would become of herself. 250,000, 350,000, 450,000. As she heard these numbers her fear grew and she prayed for it to end soon.

"10,000,000!" Erupted from, what felt like, right in front of her. Silence washed over the crowd. The announcer called out for an opposing bid three times. Silence. Silence. Silence. As the announcer started to thank whomever bid so high, she felt strong hands grab her and drag her away. The blindfold was ripped from her head, pulling her hair in the process and her eyes struggled to adjust to her surroundings. One large man in a fine black suit stood, formally, by the door in front of her. Another, stood at the door behind her. At this time she noticed she was in a small room. She felt so gross, covered in dirt, hair ratty and a few bruises on her right forearm and left thigh. She chose to sit on the floor where she was standing and hold her knees to her chest. At that moment the door in front of her was opened by the large man and a very beautiful woman strolled in. Her hair was light brown and pulled up in a ponytail. She wore a black pants suit, much like the mans' just feminine. The woman scowled at her and tossed a raggy gown at her.

"Dress. You've been bought. Time to meet your new master." The woman spoke in an annoyed tone. The girl quickly pulled on the gown, stood and waited. The woman motioned for the girl to follow her as she walked out of the room through the door the woman came from. The girl bowed her head and followed behind. As they walked, the girl kept her focus on the woman's feet in front of her. She remembered previously being beaten for stepping out of line, or not following orders and she didn't want to get in any kind of trouble. Paying close attention, she watched as the woman stopped and so she stopped only a few steps behind her. They were now outside, the girl could see stars up in the cool night sky. "This is yours now sir." The woman spoke in a more formal tone as she bowed and turned to the girl. The girl quickly bowed her head, keeping quiet. She watched large mens shiny shoes walk right up to her. She fought to look up at the man. A soft warm hand grabbed her chin hard and pulled her face up. She now looked right at the face of the man before her. He wore a much fancier black suit than the others, his button down under the blazer was a deep crimson. His hair was gelled back and his eyes were a unique mix of bright pink and teal. His skin was a warm olive tone. Beautiful. She thought as she studied his chiseled features.

"Very nice." He spoke in a low baritone. She felt it sooth her, of which she found odd for a moment. "I'll take her. You can expect the full amount of money in your bank account in a few minutes." He spoke, dropping the girl's face and pulling out his phone and sending a text. The woman bowed and turned, walking past the girl as a black car pulled up behind the man. Another large man, dressed in a similar suit to the man in front of her, stepped out of the front passenger seat of the car and opened the back passenger door. The man thanked him before sitting in the car and scooting to the opposite side. He stared at the girl as she stood there silent. "Come," he demanded, patting the seat beside him. The girl quickly nodded, walking up and sitting in the car next to him. The door closed behind her and she thought best to stare down, even though every part of her wanted to watch him. So beautiful. She thought, remembering the image of him in her mind. She soon found herself getting sleepy, she spent the next fifteen minutes fighting sleep when the warm soft hand from before grabbed her shoulder and leaned her head down. She was out. Sleeping peacefully against the man's shoulder as he stared out the window at the trees flying by.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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