The Legend

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“They say his name is Dark the Hedgehog. Few people have ever seen him. His quills are as black as the night and they say he’s been around for eons.” Amy Rose said in a spooky voice.

“What a load of crap. Amy. There is no way that you actually believe in that?” Sonic snorted.

“It’s true! Zooey and I have been looking for him for a long time now and we found what we believe is his training area yesterday!” Amy claimed.

“Bet ten bucks you found Shadow’s secret hiding place.” Sonic snickered.

“Sonic!” Amy snapped.

“What? This just sounds ridiculous, no one can live forever Amy.” Sonic told her with a roll of his eyes.

“How do you know? Shadow claims to be the ultimate life form and you believe him!” Amy snapped.

“Well.. Shadow can prove it and has proved it.” Sonic said with a faltering note in his tone.

“Mhmm and what if Dark proves it too?” Amy said while crossing her arms.

“Well. Then he better start proving it then and stop being such a cryptid.” Sonic huffed.

“Hey! What are you guys talking about?” Knuckles asked as he approached the two hedgehogs.

“Sonic doesn’t think that Dark is real!” Amy huffed.

“No. I just think that he’s a cryptid legend creature and that Zooey saw Shadow’s area.” Sonic said with a snort.

“Exactly! You don’t believe me!” Amy groaned.

“Sonic doesn’t believe in Dark?” Knuckles said in surprise.

“Knuckles!” Sonic whined.

“He’s real! I saw him once when I was a kid. He was black and peach and he had pure white eyes! Granted I only saw him for a moment but I saw him!” Knuckles exclaimed.

“Sounds like Shadow.” Sonic huffed.

“What sounds like Shadow?” Tails asked as he came from behind Knuckles.

“Dark the hedgehog.” Sonic told Tails.

“Oh! I’ve been trying to track him down for a year now!” Tails said excitedly.

“WHAT!? You believe in him too?” Sonic yelped.

“Of course I do. He has an energy signal.” Tails explained.

“Gah! Look! I’ll prove it! I’ll prove he’s fake!” Sonic said aloud.

Everyone but Sonic looked at each other and laughed.

Sonic growled before storming off into the woods.

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