The dream

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It was an odd night in Joy Joy Land. Oddly peaceful for a place in hell. The members of the Joy Joy gang slept peacefully. But, after hours, Lucky found himself having a strange dream.

Stars danced in his mind. Not twinkling, as you'd imagine them being described in such a way mind you. The stars took form of children, dancing in the black endless of space. He... found himself at peace in this dream. The children notice him, and take him by his gloved hand to join in the dance.

Some if the children started to laugh, and play music. Their bodies sparkling in the night. The dance goes from them twirling and spinning, to jumping around.

They sing. "Oh, rabbit on the moon,
What are you leaping for?
I shall leap, I shall leap soon
At the large full moon!"

He finds himself singing along, his cartoony voice fitting in perfectly with the singing of the children. It is such a sweet dream... Suddenly, the cry of a woman wakes him up abruptly. He jolts awake. He couldn't tell if the scream was from the dream or from the park. All he knows, if he had a heart, it would be beating a million miles a minute. "....what the hell...?"

He quickly gets up, the other members still sleep soundly in their rooms. Lucky decides to take a nightly patrol. "...that was a weird fucking dream... singing and dancing with kids... gross."

He pushes aside the slight guilt he feels saying such a thing. He kills mortals all the time for Pete's sake! A pleasant dream about singing and dancing with children...? Well it doesn't fit him. Not one bit.

He sits up, sighing heavily. "...I need some fresh air..."

He leaves his room silently, to clear his head. Leaving Joy Joy Land, out the entrance where the mortals come from...

He didn't know how odd this night was truly going to be. The dream of the star children were only the beginning...

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