The Conflicted Knight

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He was barely out of the entrance, before he stopped dead in his tracks. He stared at what laid before him, in slight disbelief and some annoyance. A mortal.

She was on the ground, sprawled out, holding her head. He wasn't given any warning about a mortal being sent to Mascot Mayhem by Malak, and his boss wasn't one for surprises. Especially something work related. Mortals had similar sleep schedules to them, considering how time passed in hell, so Bierce should be getting her beauty sleep right now. Not like any amount of slumber will save that witch.

So this is an odd case for him... Normally, warning or not, he'd just go in for the kill. If not that, pretend to be a friendly childish mascot, and persuade the mortal to "become one of the joyful". Which actually meant, become a bloody corpse Hangry could BBQ. But... he found himself just studying the woman.

She she looked like many different people at once, her face a haze. Her skin was a deathly ghost white. Mortals came to Malak's realms because they were dead, but Lucky has never seen one look so much like a ghost before. Her face is covered in deep scars, and appears to be blind in one eye. The scars a grayish in tone, and there appears to be more on the rest of her body. Although not as dense. She was a round, and tall woman. Making her quite larger than the rabbit.

He questions the scars, overlooking them over and over from a distance. He wonders.... was this woman beaten to death? Were those scars from life? If so, poor thing.... poor thing for when he's done with her! He mentally punches himself. Pitying a mortal. First that weird dream, now this?!

He looks over the woman again, his eyes falling on her hair. It was an odd color. It looked black, but sparkled in the few lights outside of the park. The woman had a dusty haze around her, making the yellow bunny question if she was caused by sleep deprivation.

He stared at her, for what seemed to be hours, his systems growing warmer over time. Light started filling Joy Joy Land, Lucky seems to have woken up just before morning. The woman's hair loses it's sparkle, and simply begins to shine. Reflecting the light, as it slowly changes color. Her hair turns to a similar color as the sky of this realm. It's like staring up at it through murky water. Her skin reflects the light like a mirror, making the woman appear to be glowing.

If Lucky had lungs, he'd hold his breath. He saw the woman was beautiful. He just didn't realize how breathtaking she really was. That or he didn't comprehend it at first...

'Kill her.' He thought to himself. 'Just walk over and kill that woman. She's no different from any other mortal... just move, and get it over with.'

Just as he was about to, the woman interrupted his thoughts. "Excuse me?"

He freezes, and quickly straightens his back. He didn't even realize he was slouching a bit, while he stood gawking at the uninvited guest. Her voice is commanding, like a general or a queen. Far more commanding than his own boss.

She stares at him, one eye is glossed over. On the scarred side of her face. She's possibly blind in that eye. The other, is a deep black, like a new moon. Her eyes pierce through him, like she's looking into his tarnished soul. Her gase is a comforting cold, like ice to a wound. He feels his nose twitch. He refuses to move, despite how many times he internally screams and punches at himself.

The woman cocks her head, and starts to get up. Her legs give out beneath her. This is what finally gets him to move. He goes over to wrap his hands around her neck, to choke her or break it. But finds himself offering them too her, to help her up. She takes his hands, her own being stronger than his. Feeling her gentle, but firm grip on his hands is enough for his systems to start heating up again. Another mental hit too his face.

He helps her up, and she smiles warmly. "Thank you... where am I?"

He opens and closes his mouth, over and over again. Seems he's no longer a rabbit, but a fish. He shakes his head, and finally finds his voice. "....You're in Joy Joy Land missy! Welcome, welcome to our magical park!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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