Chapter One

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For an obedient servant like me, the first snow of the year is nothing but a continuation of the monotony of daily life. Time flows predictably for someone in my position, since every minute and every second is given over to my mistress.

"The culprit... is probably the count's wife..."

"Ryujin... I haven't read that book yet. Can you not spoil it for me?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm only speculating though."

It's 300 pages and I'm only on page 100. I ran my fingers through the rough edges of the book as I waited for her response.

"Your speculations always turn out correct."

"I can't always be right..."


"I don't think its a very good mystery book, miss."

Suddenly, I heard heavy coughing. I looked up from the book to see her flushed face as she placed her hand on her chest, to ease the pain on that area.

"Shouldn't you sleep since you're sick?"

"My history exam is coming up, and I've already missed two classes. If only I could figure out the answers without answering like you can..."

I stood up from my seat and walked closer to her bed, with her eyeing my every move. I placed my hand on her forehead, and she instantly leaned in to my touch as she closed her eyes.

"You should rest, your forehead is hot."

"Historians can be so cruel... How could they draw tribesmen like this, when the tribe native in front of me is so beautiful..."

I let out a small smile, a small appreciation for her compliment. Still, she could have just left the part out that I'm a tribe native— that those "beasts", as they say, are my people.

She sighed and stared at me.

"I want to ask you to kiss me, but I can't because I don't want you to become sick."

"Don't worry about me, Miss. If that is what you want, it is my duty to oblige."

She abruptly sat up on her bed and threw the book she had on her hands on the floor, which actually startled me for a bit. Just a bit, she always had these tantrums.

"Don't talk like that— like you'll do things only because I demand it!"

We had a staring battle, and I sighed at her outburst. I leaned down, used my knee to support my weight by pressing it down the mattress, and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Then on her cheeks.

Then on her neck.

"Of course. I can do things without your bidding."

I whispered which made her smile. Such simple mind, Miss. I thought inside my head. I stood back up and straightened my dress, staring at her with a warm smile.

"Then, shall I bring you dinner?"

"No that's okay. You may excuse yourself. I'll bathe myself tonight."

"... I'll take my leave then, Miss."

I walked towards the door, and glanced back at my Mistress, before finally disappearing from her sight.



As soon as I heard the door clicked, I breathed out a deep sigh. I stared at nothingness for a while, before my hands found its way to the sleeves of my dress. I pulled it up, and saw the blue spots on my skin. Disgusting.

I looked up my ceiling and saw the painting of a girl, it had always been there. That girl in that illustration is a lot like me. Always entrapped.

But Ryujin...

I closed my eyes as I reminisced the time we were at an open field, laughing as we hold on our hats that the wind was trying to blow away, all while holding each other.

"Its finally time to get out..."


I only have less than 2 weeks before my classes start, so I'm probably going to focus more on updating this one than my other books because it already have a plot. 😔

Btw, the picture above are the main characters of the Manwha, Andrew Grace and Herta 💗

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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