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Tears clouded up in her eyes after reading the letter ,

She fell in the ground and didn't know what to do ,

She continued to cry over and over until the bell rang ,

She was startled by it ,

She opened to see a young men in The same uniform of her school ,

He introduced himself ,

He can understand that she cried just now ;

"What do you want?" She asked him ,

"Um..I am Jennie's friend , two days she didn't come to school so, i thought of looking for her"

She understood this is the guy jennie mentioned in the letter ,

She didn't attend School for two days as she told jisoo she was not feeling well ,

"Ooh, Taehyung she has Brain tumor, I don't know which hospital she is or where she is".

Fall In Love #6 [ Taennie ]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ