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Liam woke up and walked over to the pond, he started his day off by catching some fish for breakfast. It was always an annoyance. But after some time he finally got some and cooked it over his fire pit. Fish was kind of bland considering he didn't have basic things such as salt, which Liam misses very much. He was sick and tired of eating bland fish all the time. After breakfast Liam walked into the cave and started clicking around on the computer, he still didn't really understand what he was doing. He looked down at the plane. How long had he even been here anyways. Liam had no idea, he can't exactly keep track of time. At least a few months. He took his cast off probably 2 or so weeks ago, so it's been longer then he'd ever what to stay there. Liam saw everyone on the plane, he frowned. He moved over to the microphone and turned it on

Liam: hey guys, how are things going ?

Bryce: shitty. I want to go home.

Liam: I- I know. I'm trying. I just can't figure out this computer.

Bryce: have you made ANY progress ?

Liam: I'm not sure, I opened a file that I haven't seen before. I don't know what it does or if its helpful but I'm getting ... Somewhere.

Bryce: just keep up the work, Liam. I know you can do it

Amelia: and thanks for the shade.

Liam: oh, yeah. I thought you guys wouldn't want to have "sunlight" in your face all day. I'll do more once I can figure out what I'm doing, I'm sure me just putting a leaf in the plane isn't exactly the best

Amelia: it's still better then nothing, I appreciate it.

Liam continued to talk to everyone while clicking around on the computer. While clicking around he accidentally teleported subway seat to a random spot on the plane. Liam didn't really know HOW he did it, but he did. He tried again but couldn't figure it out. After a while of that Liam left to go collect reeds. Ironic, right ? Following in the footsteps of the lunatic that got everyone into this mess in the first place. But, as deranged as airy was, he did have a good method of doing things. Reeds were the softest material he had after all ... After airy died Liam started using his stuff such as his basket and axe. Why make new stuff when you can just use what you have, right ? Liam hated it. Knowing he's doing the same things airy did and living like that psychopath drove him crazy. But what else could he do ? He walked back down from getting his reeds and set one of them by a rock near the bottom of the waterfall. He then walked to his "house" and put the reeds on his bed, he took on of the reeds and put it on the table next to his bed. On that table he had been making tiny buildings out of wood and other things he could find so he could put them on the plane. Liam didn't know how to shrink things so he just tried to make everything as tiny as he could. He was using the reeds as a sort of bedding so everyone could sleep somewhere comfortable. They'd been sleeping on the grass for so long they'd probably be happy with anything they got. Liam did his best to make some makeshift "houses" for them. Liam turned on the cassette player so he had something to listen to. He let out an annoyed grunt while he did so, but he didn't have much else to do while being there. After he finished up the houses he brought them to the plane, everyone seemed really happy to sleep on something else other then the ground. That put a smile on Liam's face. He continued to click around on the computer attempting to figure it out until he got tired.

Liam: I'm sorry guys I have to go to bed. I can barely keep my eyes open.

Subway seat: it's ok ! You can keep trying tomorrow, I'm sure you'll get it in no time

Bryce: get your rest Liam, you need it.

Liam: I feel bad leaving you guys, I want to send you back as soon as possible.

Amelia: we know, but we also know you need rest. Please go to sleep and you can figure out the computer tomorrow

Liam: yeah, tomorrow ... Goodnight guys.

Liam got up and walked back to his house. "You can figure out the computer Tomorrow" ...

Liam: yeah, right ... It'll never be "tomorrow" I'll never figure out this stupid computer. Hopefully I'll get lucky and just randomly teleport everyone back ... Heh, sure ...

Liam got in bed and drifted off to sleep

(I'm trying idk how good I am at writing serious stuff)

Liam and the plane (Post HFJONE 18)Where stories live. Discover now