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Trust. Basically the definition of letting someone else have your life into their hands. And you have to feel okay with that. Trust. Such a simple word. But a big meaning. I've always had trouble trusting people, especially with the past. It's always been hard for me to open up or say exactly what i'm feeling, because I got yelled or talked down by other when I did do that. I always felt people would lie to me to try and not hurt my feelings or lie to hide something from me. Either one I hated. I would rather have the stone cold truth , then a lie spat into my face. I find it so disrespectful. But the hard problem about having that problem with trusting other for so long. Trust is one of the BIGGEST parts of a relationship. You have to have trust to actually have a happy, and healthy relationship. Even though that can be difficult sometimes. You also have to accept that you can't control other peoples actions, no matter how bad you want to, or wish decisions were done differently. When Austin first came into my life I never thought that he would still be right by my side right now. I thought the casual we would date for a couple of weeks and then break up. But what's happening is exactly the opposite. It took me a good couple of months until I fully trusted him. Now that I do, It feels so much better. Of course sometimes the overthinking still comes back, but I get reassured. No matter how many times you have been let down. Hurt. Lied To. It seems like the hardest thing in the world. But if you want to have your person you have to learn how to trust again.

Hello readers. If you have any questions please feel free to comment. Thank you ❤️

Words -316

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