My beautiful miracle (MateoxMirabel)

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Mirabel and her boyfriend Mateo were happily living together in his hometown. Everything appeared to be going smoothly, right? Well, not exactly. On the night of Catalina's gift ceremony, things took a sudden turn for the worse. However, Mateo firmly believed that with Mirabel by his side, they could conquer any challenges.
Mirabel woke up next to the love of her life and quietly whispered, "I miss Antonio so much." Mateo responded, "Mi amor..." Mirabel glanced at her phone and exclaimed, "Matt, get up! It's Cat's ceremony in just 2 hours!" Mateo groaned and asked, "Why?" Mirabel replied, "Well, I don't want to go alone." Josefina chimed in, "Still not ready, Matt? It's Catalina's gift ceremony, the most important day. Remember how disastrous my own ceremony was?" Mirabel nodded in agreement. Mateo sympathetically said, "I understand, Mi Mariposa." Isabela urged, "Seriously, Mirabel, get ready!" Mirabel let out a frustrated groan and retorted, "Isa, what is a giftless loser like me supposed to do? Just mess it up?" Isabela quickly apologized, "I didn't mean that!" with a remorseful tone.

While decorating
Diego was in awe of Mirabel's sewing skills. "Mirabel, this is incredible," he said, as Olivia entered the room with Pepa. Mirabel glanced down and whispered, "Mama, I miss you so much. I'm sorry if I haven't been the best daughter. If this ceremony goes wrong, I'll do whatever it takes to make it right again." Diego reassured her, "Mirabel, Cat loves you. Don't worry." Mateo chimed in, "Abuelo, where should we place the picture of the Madrigals?" Diego replied with a proud tone, "Next to our family picture!"

Sophia mentioned, 'Mirabel, Cat needs you.' Mirabel entered the nursery, and Catalina glanced up. 'Mira, what if it doesn't work?' Catalina whispered. Mirabel wiped away a tear and replied, 'Cat, look at me. You will have an amazing life. I know Mateo is the luckiest person to have an adorable cousin like you. I just miss my cousin Antonio.' Catalina whispered, 'I need you.' Mirabel whispered back, 'Let's get you to your mother.' Sophia walked in and said, 'Mirabel, I know you and Antonio are best friends, but Catalina looks up to you. Heck, you're Mateo's girlfriend, about to take our name.' Mirabel wiped her tears and said, 'Hey, hey.' Pepa chimed in, 'Catalina reminds me of Tonito.' Mirabel smiled and replied, 'Very much, tía.' Sophia added, 'You still have Felix, Dolores, Camilo, Carlos, and now Catalina.' Pepa looked at her in shock and said, 'Seriously..?' Sophia confirmed, 'Yep, I know Pepi. You love Tonito so much, and now you have Cat.' Mateo entered and said, 'Mi amor, it's time.' Pepa kissed Catalina's forehead and said, 'Te amo, Mariposa.' Sophia said, 'Let's go, starlight,' with a determined tone.

"Stay up here with me, Mateo," Diego said, as Mirabel walked up with Cat. Julio whispered, "You can do this, Cat." Diego continued, "50 years ago, in our darkest times, the best thing happened to us. And now, we are passing on this miraculous gift to our new generation. Catalina Garcia, my youngest granddaughter, will be the one who receives this miracle." Mateo leaned on Mirabel, and she kissed his cheek, her voice filled with emotion.

Grinning, Mirabel exclaimed, "We have a gift!" Mateo responded by kissing her lips, while everyone around them cheered. Pepa smiled and shouted, "Woo go Catalita!" Olivia approached them, expressing, "I've never been prouder of Mateo." Mirabel's expression turned somber as she looked down, and she asked, "What's wrong, honey?" Mirabel then confessed, "My mom never said that to me." Olivia comforted her by saying, "Mirabel, let's just enjoy this moment for now."

Mirabel noticed that Mateo, just like herself, was being treated as an outsider within the family. She asked him, "Mi amor, are you feeling excluded too?" Mateo glanced downwards while Mirabel sang, "Don't let it bring you down, don't be upset or angry." In response, Mateo sang, "I won't feel regret or sadness, hey, I'm still a part of the Garcia family." Mirabel reassured him, "And I'm okay, truly fine," with a determined tone.

After the duet
Mirabel noticed a crack in the glasses, causing her to question, "Am I dreaming? Is this happening again?" Mateo reassured her, saying, "Mira, it's real." Mirabel pleaded, "Please, let's not go through this again," her tone filled with concern.

2 days later
"Abuelo, I was just trying to help," Mateo sighed, expressing his frustration. Diego retorted, "You managed to mess up the entire house!" Mirabel apologized, suggesting, "I'm sorry, maybe I should leave." Diego shook his head and redirected his anger, saying, "Mirabel, honey, stay out of this." He then glared at Mateo and blamed him, "Josefina, Valentina, and Rianna lost control, all because of you. Julia is weak because of you. And worst of all, 10 people died because of you!" Mateo questioned, "Will I ever be good enough for you? Will anyone in this family ever be good enough for you!?" Mirabel noticed the tension building and intervened, declaring, "Everyone, please leave!" Isabela urged, "Grab the candle!" Samuel objected, "No! I can't let it happen again, Sammy! Olivia, Sophia, Mirabel, get out!" Mirabel hurriedly left, feeling crushed upon hearing Diego's hurtful words. Isabela sympathized, admitting, "I miss abuela too." Mirabel shared her disbelief, asking, "Can you believe what he said, Isa?" Isabela assured her, "I understand." Diego, unable to control his emotions, confessed, "Sometimes, I wish Isabela was my granddaughter." Sensing danger, Bruno warned, "Mateo, watch out!" Bruno urged them to flee, advising, "Quick, run!" Mirabel, refusing to leave Olivia behind, exclaimed, "No, Olivia!" with a sense of urgency.

When the casa crumbled down
Mirabel embraced Mateo tightly, whispering, "My love, why?" Mateo returned the hug, his tears flowing freely. Mirabel gently kissed his forehead and softly uttered, "I long to return home." Wiping away his tears, Mateo pleaded, "Take me with you!" Mirabel planted a tender kiss on his cheek and reassured him, "Of course." Mateo looked down, his voice filled with self-doubt, "Why do you love me, amor? I'm a mess, a loser, and utterly useless." Mirabel responded, "Matt, you are everything to me. I too feel worthless at times, but I love you unconditionally. You are my miracle." A bittersweet smile graced Mateo's face as he whispered, "I love you even more."

At the lake where Alma and Mirabel reunited
Mirabel expressed, "This is the exact spot where my grandmother and I created our own story." Mateo responded, "And it's also the spot where our grandmother Irena made a sacrifice." Mirabel's face lit up, "My love, abuela had no other choice but to send us here. It's for the best." Mateo grumbled, "But those foolish individuals..." Mirabel interrupted, "I believe we are truly meant for each other." Mateo replied, "Obviously!" Mirabel leaned her head on Mateo's shoulder, "And I adore the idea of being a Garcia." Austin spotted them and exclaimed, "Mateo! Mirabel! I was so worried, fearing that my daughter had gone missing." Mateo scoffed, "I won't even dignify that with a response." Mirabel rested her head on Mateo's shoulder, conveying her feelings with a certain tone.

Diego witnessed Mateo and Mirabel interacting. "Mateo, I apologize," Mateo expressed. "Everything is fine," he replied. Rianna chimed in, "Our house." Mirabel responded, "I will hit you, RiRi." Isabela smiled and added, "There is nothing we cannot accomplish together." Samuel kissed her and asked, "What about Iris and Julieta?" Isabela replied, "Except for me, of course." Agustin entered the scene and addressed Isabela, "Honey, your grandmother..." Mirabel interrupted, "Papa, meet my boyfriend, Mateo!" Agustin grinned and said, "I approve." Pepa spoke up, "Mira, can I hit your father over the head?" Mirabel grinned and replied, "Sure!" Mateo playfully joined in, "That means I can hit Juls over the head; she's being foolish." Olivia scolded, "Mateo Alejandro Garcia!" with a stern tone.

5 years later
Mirabel returned to Encanto Dolores, and Manuela, Encanto Dolores's daughter, rushed up to greet her. Mirabel smiled and said, "Hey Manuela." Ramon, Camilo's son, also approached her and exclaimed, "Wow, tía, this is amazing!" Mirabel replied, "Yes, it's me and your fathers' hometown." Iris was shocked and asked, "Mom, how did you and dad meet?" Isabela smiled and said, "Well, Juls and Iris, your father and I met right here in this very spot." Samuel smiled and said, "Well, Mirabel, it's time to inform Abuela that I'm engaged!" with excitement in her voice.

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