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Another while had gone by of the same shit, but eventually those three women ended up dead in the back of an alleyway. Nobody ever found out that it was Alex who killed them, so fortunately he could have this justice to himself at the very least. However, that's the only silver lining here. Truth is, the man is still mentally spiraling, his rent went up and his check got cut again, things were just a general struggle. He thought he had it bad as a kid, now he has to keep up with legal shit or he goes to jail. And he didn't want to go to jail, because then he wouldn't have a way to hide the sin and crime he does in his free time. So, we start today off strong. No, not strong in a pleasant way, but strong nonetheless. He got dressed and went out to work, almost stabbing someone in the street on his way.

He walked into the bar to see that it was already sort of busy, Elaine working behind the counter. He had a pretty strong urge to just let her work alone today and walk out the door, but he didn't. He got behind the counter and got to work while Elaine snuck off to vape in the bathroom. He could tell because she smoked so damn much that it came out into the bar. Tonight there was a band preforming though, so the vape smoke created a sort of fog. At least it set a nice aesthetic, and it smelled decent too so that wasn't too terrible. Alex still hated smoking and the idea of it, he himself has only ever done it a few times in his life really. This sort of ruined his mood right off the bat, but he still needed to trek through and make it until midnight, when the bar closes. 

Then at one point, he decided to make himself a drink to sit back and relax, maybe it'll help his mood. Thing is, he didn't know how strong his drink really was, and he had never drank before. Nobody caught him thankfully, in fact Elaine was high out of her mind so even if she saw him in the state he eventually got into, she wouldn't care. The night started going by all sped up, he got absolutely shitfaced trying to drink away his pain actually. He did start having fun by the end of his shift though, joking and goofing off with Elaine and some of the people at the bar. The next day he woke up in his own bed, a note and a good amount of cash on the nightstand.

He had a terrible migraine from he hangover of last night, but he did feel generally a bit happier. Until he looked over at the nightstand, who left this here? He looked at the note, having to re-read it once or twice. It said "Last night was fun, you should do this more often big guy!" with a heart drawn on the bottom of it. His heart dropped to the floor as he realized what this meant, he didn't remember it at all though, genuinely! God-- who wrote the note? He tried to inspect the handwriting, but his vision was too blurry for that right now. He then saw the cash, which made things at least a tad bit better. It was a bit too much to be honest, maybe the other person is just nice. He stuffed the money in his nightstand drawer, getting up and going to wash up in the bathroom and everything.

He spent about 10 minutes just staring at the sink though, water running. He was going to do something, but he just froze up with thought. And also because he was beyond tired right now, he was half tempted to just go back to bed right now. And then he had an idea, maybe not the most favorable of ideas, but it should help him get by a little easier for now. He contemplated it for a while, and then eventually he decided that it would be better for him if he just went through with it for now. He finally moved and got cleaned up for the day, getting dressed and walking out the door. Not to his job, but to the place next door. 

His mind was screaming for him to stop and turn around, go back home and leave this damn idea behind Alex! He ignored the gut instincts that told him to run, and went inside. He was hit with a lot of loud music, people yelling or cheering, smoke all over the place, and an odd smell of burning rubber. Everything but the burning rubber had an explanation, the place just smelled like that I guess. He walked along the walls, looking for where the owner of the place was. Trying his best to hide amongst the people, but that's a bit hard when you're 6'10", have red hair, and you're built like a brick wall. Eventually though he found the little den area the owner of the club had, the owner waving happily. He seemed pretty friendly!

"What brings you all the way over here, big man?" He said, his voice deep and smooth. This man obviously got mad bitches for sure, to the point where he even had two of them with him at that moment. Alex approached him so he could be heard. "I was uh.. wondering if I could get a job here?--" He asked, very awkwardly. The owner chuckled, motioning for him to come over. "No need to be ashamed, friend! You seem like you'd make a good career here, come with me and I'll get you all set up." The man stood up, leaving his two female accomplices behind. Alex followed him, still bewildered that he managed to get the courage to even do this.

The two walked into an office, a large one with dark colors. The other sat down in a chair behind his desk, Alex sitting in a chair on front of it. "So, you quit your job at that bar over there?" The guy asked. "No, I just needed the extra money.They keep cuttin' my checks." He explained, not even all that ashamed to disrespect the bar. Because he's not wrong, and the people there suck. A lot. "Aw, well I'm sorry to hear that they're treating you that way." Now, with the way this guy speaks, it's kind of hard to tell whether he's normally talking or he's trying to sound seductive. It confused the shit out of Alex, and honestly made him uncomfortable.

!! WARNING: (slight)SH !!

"Let me just shut this door over here, I don't want nobody snitchin!" The man stood up and walked behind Alex, shutting the door. A click followed the door shutting, and then a pair of hands were set on Alex's shoulders. "So go on and tell me why else you may have wanted to come here!" He got a little quieter, his voice deepening a bit too. At this point Alex was beyond uncomfortable, the man freezing up a bit in fear. "Look, I-I just needed the extra income--.." He explained, watching those hands move down to his chest. He was sweating by now, slightly trembling with dread. He moved his hand up to get the other two off him, but the other was strong. Possibly as strong as him. He had pushed Alex's hand down, locking his own with it.

"Please get off me.." Alex growled, about to just snap and murder this guy. However his mouth was covered. "Shush, don't ruin the fun!" The man sneered, moving his face over to Alex's neck and biting, yes, biting him. Only to be met with a chair to the stomach and a fist to the face. The guy went to open the door, but it was locked. He picked up the man behind him, throwing him at the door and breaking it. And with that, Alex made his escape out of that place. Like he should've before he even went inside the damn building.

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