Chapter 13: New ship smell.

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The smaller ship on the photo is the Sovereign while the bigger one is the refit Night Fury to show the size difference

Location: Mars

Hiccup was taking one final look at the bridge of the Sovereign before sending her to Earth, where the old girl will be decommissioned and the heavily refit Night Fury returns to Dragon's edge. That's right, a new refit was needed due to some advancements in technology. This gave birth to a whole new version of the Dragon class starships. Now their classification went from tactical carrier to dreadnought carrier.

"She was a fine ship" captain Kurland said to Hiccup. "Aye, that she was. Time for the old girl to rest, just like her sister." Hiccup said. "Well, make sure that the next time we meet, it isn't cause a war starts." Kurland said, shaking Hiccup's hand. The two captains parted. 

Hiccup transported off the ship and into the captain's yacht that supposed to go with his ship. He greeted Dagur, who was meditating after cooking food. Some of the crew couldn't understand the need of cooking cause replicators exist. "this art should not die in any family. Take Astrid for example" Dagur had reasoned, which lead to a neon pink flamingo being thrown at him. He was wearing an apron which said 'Kiss the chef'. Hiccup broke Dagur out of his meditation as their ship came into view. The red livery on black was all that was retained for the ship. That along with the captain's chair and the two chairs beside it. The ship had a new set of polaron-plasma hybrid phaser strips, around 16 strips up front and 14 strips aft, 4 polaron-plasma hybrid phaser dual heavy cannons and a set of 20 polaron-plasma hybrid single mount turrets. These new types of weapons bring the color of the beams to the same purple as a night fury's blast while being a plasma blast, around 16 strips up front and 14 strips aft. There were 8 torpedo launchers with 10 the ability to launch a spread of 10 torpedoes, all plasma-transphasic hybrids. These torpedoes have the ability to destroy any ship in one spread and if the ship is not destroyed, its left defenseless. The cloak has been upgraded to allow the ship to fire torpedoes under cloak and the ship has torpedo tubes able to fire at the side but only spreads of 4 and each side has two launchers. This ship was one made for war and has a hangar big enough to store a Defiant and Sabre class escorts, a Nova class science vessel refit, and a pair of Delta Flyer fighter variant. Hiccup knew that Astrid would take the Defiant, Snotlout would take the Sabre, Fishlegs the Nova refit and the twins would take the fighter. Dagur, Heather and Eret already have their own Yellowstone type multirole craft. With all the aforementioned vessels on board the ship, along with the captain's yacht, Hiccup set a course for Dragon's edge. 

After arriving at the base, all the senior staff chose the ships Hiccup had guessed they would. Astrid named her ship Deadly Nadder, Snotlout named his ship Monstrous Nightmare, Fishlegs named his ship Gronkle and the twins chose Zippleback but put an A and B along with it to differentiate their ships.

"Gotta say, this was a pretty big refit. I couldn't recognize the ship anymore." Astrid said, putting one hand around Hiccup's neck. Hiccup in response wrapped his hands around Astrid's waist and said "Understandable, have a nice day" jokingly, earning a punch to the shoulder. "That's for using a centuries old meme" Astrid said, to which Hiccup declared "This is abuse."

Their moment was interrupted when a Hirogen hunting party sent a distress call as their ships were under attack by the Hunters.

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