IMs and Demons

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Ash lay on his bed, the mattress on the floor in his basement, staring up at the ceiling as the music he was shuffling on Winamp played in the background. He wasn't really paying attention to the music, not really. His thoughts were floating around in his head, smashing together like bumper cars and moving quickly to the next target. It was all mostly mundane things that mattered very little but served as a way to corral his mind towards sleep. Though, little spikes of insignificant anxiety would ultimately keep him awake. Should he have kept his Magic cards? He never played anymore, but what if he wanted to again? It was unlikely that he would, but there was always the possibility that he would want to start up in future. Maybe Dante would want to play? Does he play?

His mind shifted, after Dante came into the equation, to the events of a week ago outside of his house. He still couldn't understand what had actually happened to him. Had it been a real experience and not some fucked up night terror? Did a demon really come up from Hell to tell Ash he was the antichrist? Is he the antichrist? He didn't feel evil or have any desire to, you know, kick off the apocalypse or whatever the antichrist is supposed to do. Logically, he knew he wasn't the antichrist. Logically, he knew demons didn't exist. But now maybe they do! Maybe he's some demon prince that Hell wants to claim. Would that mean his dad wasn't his dad and that creature was or something like it? Oh no. Did his mom have sex with a demon? Are demons hot? His demon wasn't. Round and round his mind tumbled, tossing his brain to and fro from one demon related micropanic to the next.

Ash turned towards his computer, thoughts interrupted by the exaggerated sound of a door opening. This was followed a minute or so later by the unmistakable somewhat musical blooping noise that signaled somebody had just sent him an IM. 

Ash got off his floor mattress and moved to his shitty Wal-Mart desk that his computer was at, pulling his chair out to sit. He pressed the button on his monitor and was rewarded with a blinding flash of light before his eyes adjusted. There on his screen was what he was so grateful for in this moment: an instant message from Dante.

ItsMyInferno (11:15:45 PM): you up?

AnAshenBlizzard (11:15:48 PM): Yep

ItsMyInferno (11:16:05 PM): good was hoping you were

AnAshenBlizzard (11:17:12): Well you're in luck lol

ItsMyInferno (11:17:20): guess so!

The back and forth between the two continued for the next hour or so. Ash fell into the conversation as he had every night since they met. It was already comfortable and exactly what he needed after everything that's happened.

ItsMyInferno: hey can i ask you something?

AnAshenBlizzard: You just did lol

ItsMyInferno: oh fuck you lmao

ItsMyInferno: i mean for real

AnAshenBlizzard: Of course.

ItsMyInferno: do you like your parents?

Ash looked at the monitor screen glowing in the darkness, letting the question linger for a moment. It wasn't that the question itself was odd; it was more the timing of it than anything. Their conversation hadn't lulled or gotten dull. He was just talking to Dante about Star Wars. Nothing serious, just Star Wars.

AnAshenBlizzard: hmm

ItsMyInferno: sorry stupid question we can just go back to talking about how im going to kick your ass in podracer lol

AnAshenBlizzard: xD Sure you will. If I find my 64...

A: But it's okay, I don't mind. 

A: I do like them. My dad's a huge nerd and will show anyone who doesn't ask his collection of fantasy books. He's a great dentist also. Why we moved here, actually. Dad got a great opportunity.

A: My mom.. she's probably one of the best drummers I've ever heard and has a serious vinyl collection. She's super smart and is going to be working in the music program at the high school. 

A: We don't always get along and I was pretty pissed to move to Lake Wonder from Empire City, but I think it hasn't been the worst..

A: So yeah, I do like them. 

There was no response for several minutes from Dante. Ash was getting a little anxious. Did he say something wrong?

ItsMyInferno: im happy to hear that. my mother and i were really close. but she died two years ago

AnAshenBlizzard: I'm so sorry. 

ItsMyInferno: it's ok i miss her still but you gotta keep going i guess

AnAshenBlizzard: What about your dad?

ItsMyInferno: hes.. we dont get along

ItsMyInferno: hes really religious and was always really strict growing up so i guess that just.. yea :/

AnAshenBlizzard: Damn. 

ItsMyInferno: theres something i want to tell you

Dante erases the message he wants to send to Ash, putting his head in his hands. This was all so fucked up. He just didn't know what to do or how to tell Ash. He's going to need to talk to him away from his father

AnAshenBlizzard: I know we haven't known each other for long, but you can always talk to me if there's anything bothering you. 

ItsMyInferno: wow thanks same to you honestly. that means alot

ItsMyInferno: hey do you want to hang out tomorrow? 

AnAshenBlizzard: That'd be cool. Just come on over whenever, dude. 

Ash let himself smile. He knew it was not something he should should. Just because the first boy he met was nice to him and cute doesn't mean he could or should let himself go down this road. Not again. Dante was nice and he hoped their friendship could develop, but that's probably all it would ever be.

ItsMyInferno: cool man im gonna get some sleep ill talk to you tomorrow

AnAshenBlizzard: See you tomorrow!


The sound of a door closing signaled that Dante had signed off of AIM. Ash sighed as he hit play and shuffled the music on his WinAmp again before turning off his monitor. He yawned in the darkness of his basement room, stretching his limbs out. Perhaps tomorrow he would go to bed early. It was a lie, he knew, but he should at least try. He moved back towards his bed.

Then Ash's world shifted as that same voice as before on the morning this all started carried itself on the darkness towards him. It felt so wrong, so unnatural. It slithered around his neck and squeezed the air out of him. He could do nothing but listen.

"Hello, Ashley. It is time you and I spoke."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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