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Finally, everyone settled down. The Kings and the Cullen clan sat together, the Mikaelson family were together and the Scooby gang was together.

Ophelia sat with the Scooby gang since a little fight broke out between them, so she decided to just sit here.

The scene starts, Ophelia is the first thing that appears. She had just finished getting ready for school and as she finished, she walked down to the kitchen. "Morning, Aunt Jenna." Ophelia kisses her aunt's cheeks before sitting on one of the stools. Jenna sends her a small smile.

"Jenna..." Ophelia and her siblings mumbled. They all missed her dearly.

Right then Elena walks in, also greeting the two.

Rebekah couldn't hide an annoyed eye roll.

"Toast, I can make toast." Jenna panics, she walks frantically around the kitchen. Ophelia can't help the little amused smile that finds its way on her face. "It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna." Elena walked over to the coffee machine and poured herself some coffee in.

"That's true, coffee is the cure for every life crisis." Emmett nodded. Edward sent him a look. "It doesn't even have any effect on you... nor do you have any life crisis'" Emmett just shrugged.

Jeremy walks in as well. "Is there coffee?" It's the very first thing he asked the three women standing in the kitchen. He saw the coffee in Elena's hands and just took it out of her hands while giving Ophelia a little shove when passing by. Jenna, who still isn't getting used to taking care of three teenagers, was still walking through the kitchen. "Your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared. Lunch money?" She holds out money for them, Elena shakes her head, while Jeremy and Ophelia each grab their money.

"It's crazy, don't you think? High school. Now we all have graduated high school gone to college and whatnot." Caroline smiled her mind far away.

"Caroline, I really don't think this is the craziest part of our life that has changed." Jeremy laughed.

[later in Bonnie's car]

The sisters are sitting in Bonnie's as they are driving to school. Ophelia is sitting in the back seat, looking out of the window, lost in her own thoughts. "So Grams is telling me I'm psychic. Our ancestors were from Salem, witches and all that, I know, crazy, but she's going on and on about it, and I'm like, put this woman in a home already! But then I started thinking, I predicted Obama and I predicted Heath Ledger, and I still think Florida will break off and turn into little resort islands...Elena, Ophelia! Back in the car." Bonnie rants.

"Witches?" Aro raised an interested brow. "So does that mean that Ophelia is going to be involved in supernatural drama?" Marcus wondered.

Kol snorted. "She comes from an Original family full of Vampires and witches, she has been reborn and the town is a literal magnet for any kind of supernatural being. It's safe to say there is plenty of supernatural drama."

Ophelia, who was still lost in her own thoughts, blends the rest of their conversation out. Things always had been like that. While it was true, that all four girls were childhood best friends, Elena always had been closer to Bonnie, on the contrary Ophelia and Caroline were what you would call platonic soulmates.

Just then a crow hits their car startling Ophelia out of her thoughts. "What was that?! Oh, my god! Elena, Ophelia are you guys okay?" Bonnie asks her friends in panic. "It's okay. I'm fine." Elena reassures her.

"Yeah me too, it was just a little shock." Ophelia sends her a small, calming smile.

Mikael raised his brow. "A but dramatic isn't it. It was just a crow." He rolled his eyes, earning a glare from all his children.

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