The Drive

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I was exhausted but I had to keep driving. For the sake of me and Bad. Its been around 9 hours of non stop driving.. Its currently 7 in the morning and I've been driving all night. We both agreed to try to drive away from our parents as far as possible. Even thou we are 18 they can still send a search party.

because they just happened to be rich. 

Me and bad have homophobic parents and they where pretty rude so we decided to run away and live life how we wanted. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a loud yawn from the side of me. 

I turned my head to see that Bad was waking up. 

"Good morning skeppy," He says dragging out the y.

I could feel the blush coming so I quickly turn my head to hide it.

"Good morning Bad how did you sleep?" I say turning my head a bit so. don't come off rude.

The truth is, is that I like him... A lot. And I just don't have the courage to tell him. Ive liked them for years. 

"How far are we from Florida?" Bad asks looking at the road. 

"Around 3 more hours," I say taking a turn that leads to a gas station. 

"Oh-" He says sitting up a bit. 

"I have to get gas. Do you need anything?" I say pulling up infant of the gas pump (Idk what its call ;-;)  

"No im good!" 

"Alright I'll be back," I say opening my car door. 

Once I got out I was hit by the heat. 

"Jeez its hot out here," I say walking to the gas thing. 

I Put the gas pump into the car and went to my weather app on my phone.

It said it was around 90 degrees out. I looked at the top of the screen to see where we are right now because Im a terrible driver and I don't care about the signs at the side of the street. Anyways it said we are in South Carolina. I honest don't hate South Carolina but it gets really hot sometimes. (Ik by experience) 

Anyways I turned off my phone and took the gas pump off of the car. Once I was done I turned back to the car and got in. 

"Hey bad I'm back," I say slamming my car door and buckling myself in. 

"Nice! Im going to try to go to sleep again," He says pushing his seat down a bit. 

I just nod in response.

And thats the first chapter! Sorry about how short it is ill try to make them longer. Also I feel like this is pretty much a fill in chapter... Thats alright Ig bc the next chapter is going to be more interesting!! Anyways what are your thoughts on it so far? 

(474 words ;-;)

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