Chapter 29: Listen to his side

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(Yana's POV)

Without any hisitation he pulled me and I don't know where we going. I just remained silent I didn't say a word I don't know I just can't talk from no reason. I just let him pull me and bring me somewhere to talk cause we need to talk as what he said.

He suddenly stop and turn to look at me then he suddenly hug me tightly and I was stunned by what he do, without any hesitation my hands start to wrap around him and hug him tightly. I won't deny it anymore.... I miss him badly, we niet stay in a hug for a minute.

"I miss you so much baby." He whispered and I saw tears on his eyes.

"Why?" The first thing I uttered, questioning why he didn't fight for us. And I can see that he knows what I mean, he stare at me and sighed.

"I'm sorry." The only thing he said I just looked at him using my cold stare. "I'm being weak at that time, I'm being dumb I'm not strong enough to fight for you. She threatened me that she'll kill you if I break up with you, I know you can fight her but I don't want you to die." He explained.

"I can fight all of them Delijah." I hissed.

"Yes you can but what happened? You left us you left us for more than five years." He answered and I saw sadness in his eyes. "For six years I was hoping that you'll be back, I always blame myself for what happened." His voice cracked.

I can say a word cause it's true I left them and never comeback cause I want to work at the agent. To work with them and to be with them cause it's what I want at the first place. To be an agent but being with the dream I want hurt a lot of people. I found myself crying reminiscing the past, the past where I was not really happy at all and where I hurt them.

"You left us Yana and it f*cking hurt, to know that you die. I was devastated at that time know that you're gone. Blaming myself for what happened, regretting all the things that I do because of it." He stated and I just cry while looking at him.

"It's not my intention to let you see me fall from that cliff, I'm also tired fighting at that time. My body can't handle it, I was in coma for one year I didn't know what happened for the whole year." I explained to him, at that time I thought I was just sleeping for a days or weeks but I never expect a year.

I miss a lot of things, a lot of stuffs happened and I still can't believe that it happened to me. I was devastated knowing it but I didn't tell them, I don't want to morn about it. I just continue my life as if nothing happened but it hurts part of me wants to cry and morn all days.

"I want to come home and watch my niece grow but I didn't cause busy doing things that I want." My voice cracked and my tears are flowing down to my face. He hugged me and kiss my forehead, six years I never shed a single tear I never cry but right now I don't know why I'm so emotional. I can't hold it any longer I want to cry and just let it all out.

"I'm sorry for all of it." He apologized and hugged me tightly.

I pushed him and glared at him he looked at me in confusion.

"What?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"I still hate you for doing that to me at that time." I rolled my eyes and about to walk away.

"Come on I didn't mean it." He said but I didn't listen to him and continue walking.

He pulled me and suddenly carry me so I scream in surprised. I glared at him but he just grinned at me.

"I don't want you to walk wearing that piece of things." He eyed the dress that I wear, I make face at him.

"Whatever you say." I rolled my eyes and just give up.

Cold Hearted | Gallardo Series#4Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon