Tek/Mr. Egg

146 6 49

Requested by @Bootieos16


Mr. Egg is no doubt a fearsome impostor. He's quite a skilled killer and a decent enough liar to save himself during most emergency meetings.

But Mr. Egg had a slight problem, and it was that he struggled a bit with the 'sabotaging' aspect of the impostor role. Of course, he knew the basics of how it worked, but he'd never really used it very much. Almost everything he knew about the game he had learned from The Gentleman, who wasn't much of a saboteur himself.

The last game he played he had worked with Engineer as an imposter, who obviously played to his strengths and had the crew running around the map fixing the lights, the reactor, and O2 every other minute. The only problem was that it confused Mr. Egg quite a bit as well, and with everyone running from one side of the ship to the other it was difficult to get any killing in. Engineer had later let Mr. Egg know how annoyed he was with him about the whole thing.

In an effort that to improve his skill set (and maybe also an effort to redeem himself) Mr. Egg decided to ask another tech-savvy impostor to help him out.

He found the cyan-suited crewmate in the cafeteria with a deck of cards arranged for a game of Solitaire on the table in front of him. Tek seemed very invested in his game, so Mr. Egg politely sat down across from him and said, "Eggxcuse me, Tek?"

Tek glanced up from the cards. "Sorry, Mr. Egg. This is a one-player game," he said, moving a card to another space and flipping over a new card.

"Oh, you misunderstand. I'm not here to join your card game. I meant to talk to you about the Skeld's technology."

Tek put another card down a bit more harshly than was necessary. "I'm working on it, alright?"

A bit taken aback, Mr. Egg apologized, "I didn't mean to upset you, Tek. What are you working on?"

Tek blinked a few times. "You're not here to bother me about fixing the reactor?"

Mr. Egg looked up for flashing red lights and, as he suspected, found none. The blaring alarms weren't going off either. "Why on earth-- or I suppose why in space would be more fitting-- would you need to fix the reactor?"

"Since you won your game with the reactor meltdown it's definitely in need of a checkup. Nothing serious for now." Another card moved into the pile of spades cards. "I'll get on it after my game."

"Would you be bothered if I tagged along?"

Shrugging nonchalantly, Tek put another card down. "Sure, but like I said, lemme finish my game first."


The two astronauts lifted a panel off the reactor to look at the inner workings of it. Mr. Egg couldn't make sense of any of it, my Tek hummed knowledgeably and muttered, "not much to fix this time. Just a few fried wires." 

"You got that just from looking at it?" Mr. Egg asked, almost dumbfounded. "That's eggceptional, Tek!"

"Yes, I know. I do..." Tek paused and his eyes flitted to Mr. Egg's egg hat before focusing on him again, "...eggxcel in this field of study."

A huge grin spread across Mr. Egg's face. The joy of hearing someone else make a pun was more overpowering than the slight annoyance at Tek stealing what could have been his joke. "Eggcellent pun, Tek! It's always a pleasure to meet another pun enthusiast."

Tek just shrugged, but there was a smile on his face. "Yeah, puns are fun every once in a while."

"I agree!!"

Tek used a tool to start poking around the mess of wires, but kept his eyes on Mr. Egg. "I have to ask, though. Why egg puns?"

"They're easy to crack!" Mr. Egg grinned as Tek took a minute to process the pun, then facepalmed once it sunk in. Mr. Egg just laughed.

It became a bit of a pun war after that--- or rather, an overuse of any word that could possibly contain the word egg--- and after a while fixing the reactor had become a subconscious action for the both of them.

As Tek replaced the panel and brushed his hands off on his pants, Mr. Egg was reminded of the original purpose of being there. "Oh, you're done?"

"Mhm. Why'd you want to tag along again?" Tek paused. "Egg-ain?"

"Eh. That one's a bit of a hard sell---shell," Mr. Egg replied. "I thought a little eggstra knowledge about the reactor next game can't hurt. Can it?"

"No, it can't." Tek shoved his hands in his pockets and smirked. Mr. Egg watched him out of the corner of his vison as Tek leaned an a little and lowered his voice. "But I think it might have been an eggcuse to spend some time with me."

"That would be highly unprofessional of the both of us," Mr. Egg said quickly, "you really think that?" Despite his best efforts, the visible pink on his face against his already pink suit was proving Tek right.

With a small shrug, Tek replied, "You're an eggceptionally clever man, Mr. Egg. You knew looking at the inside of the reactor wasn't really going to help you sabotage."


"We can look at the lights panel tomorrow if you want," Tek offered. Mr. Egg nodded, and Tek left the room with a grin on his face-- presumably heading back to his Solitaire game.

As he stands alone in the Reactor room, Mr. Egg has a new problem; for the first time in quite a while, someone had left the pun master tongue-tied and a bit more red than pink. 

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