Chapter 1: the four

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" maam, here is your child. "
" shes beautiful.. thank you. "
" but there is also some bad news about her. "

The mother stared in shock on what the doctor said. He told her that her child had something wrong with her but something they could never explain, but somehow, a doctor knew.

" i know you believe me on this maam but, she has powers. you need to give her extra care for we do not know what type of diagnosis is this. "
" what?.. ahaha.. what ever do you mean sir? "
" we've done some tests on your child maam. as soon as she casted a random hand gesture, she put a lightning strike on the nurse! that is why we need you to take care of her. "
" okay, ill take care of her. ill name her, Celestia. "

- - - - -
" Greetings sir! welcome to our orphanage, where we take care and help kids for them to find a new family. pick any child you would like. "

As the father of ??? looked at the kids, he chose this particular kid that wasnt playing with the others. he pointed at the child and told the staff that was who he wanted. The staff told him she was quite a different child, didnt play, didnt speak and could make rocks appear out of nowhere. 

" i am sure about my decision. "

the staff sighed as if he thought the man was a bit airheaded or unexperienced. he took the quirky girl and gave her to him.

" hold on, dont you understand something? "
" what exactly do you mean sir? "
" what if she has powers? "
" there is no such thing as that fuss. "
" well, i am sure. i choose her. her name will be Geoani. "

- - - - -
it was a stormy night, with lighting and flares, fear everywhere. a childless couple stayed in their living room with some coffee. suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

" huh? "
" who would knock on such a rainy night? "
" ill check. dont worry about me. "

as he slowly opened the door, there was a kid.

" hello, sir..? "
" huh? why are you here? where are your parents? "
" they left me here.. can i stay for the night..? "
" okay, but only until they come back. "

Days and days past, that it became a whole month, the child's parents never came back. the man started to worry and thought his parents could've abandoned him. He told his partner about the problem until she said something he couldve never thought.

" well then, if his parents truly never come back, why dont we adopt him? "
" huh? where did you get that answer from? "
" well, i mean youve always longed for a child, right? "
" your right i guess.. fine. ill tell him about this and we'll name him Hydronio. "

- - - - -
" hey, Piren? "
" yes, mom? "
" what are you doi- "
as the mother looked at the tree Piren was on, there was a huge fire. as she called the fire services, Piren casted some more fires.

" Piren! stop what your doing now! or whatever your doing, just stop! "
" but mom, this is so fun! "
" Piren, stop!! "

The fire services thankfully put out all of the fires, Piren got a scolding and got sent to the police department for commuting arson.
Suddenly Piren spoke up to the police without answering their questions.

" none of you get it! i have powers! "
" hah, what powers? we have a match box right here.. "

as soon as the police opened the box of matches, it was a new one just lying around. no scratches, not empty.

" see?? i have powers! "
" your right.. how did this happen? "
" ill report this to a specialtist and tell this to your mother. whats your name again? "
" Piren Flare! "

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