Byler} Heartache

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Everyone was at Mike's house since Joyce had decided to move back to Hawkins after they had found Hopper again.

Eleven's giggles filled the small living room as Will clenched his fists, digging his nails into his palms, pushing down all the pain.

He was trying to be happy, he really was, but watching Mike embrace El, he just couldn't.

Will had liked Mike since before he could remember, but the moment he knew he liked him more than a best friend was after he came back from the Upside Down.

He was shaken, scared, and lonely, but Mike had been there, comforting him, making sure he was safe.

Will wasn't jealous of Eleven.

Well, he wasn't sure how he felt about it actually. Just that he loved a boy who would never love him back.

Mike made Will feel normal, like he wasn't a freak. He made him feel worth being cared about.

He'd tried to say as much in the van, but seeing that Mike wouldn't stop thinking about his girlfriend, had changed the story a bit– a lot really. In fact, he'd basically made sure that Mike loved Eleven more.

Will couldn't bring himself to tell Mike how he felt; no one knew he was queer, except Jonathan. The more he thought about it, he realised that his brother must know. Jonathan had been so caring and gentle the past few days, and it couldn't have been for no reason.

Will looked down at his feet. The room was filled with all his friends and their siblings, and yet he still didn't feel happy.

He walked away quickly, hoping no one would notice he was going.

Someone did though. It was Mike.

He grabbed the younger boy's shoulder. "Hey, where are you going?"

Will shrugged. "Just somewhere quiet," away from you, he added mentally.

"Oh, ok." Mike nodded. "Can I come with you?"

Will silently cursed himself. He should have said he was going to the bathroom or something. But with the way Mike was looking at him, Will had no choice but to nod.

They walked to the backyard, sitting down on the porch.

"What's wrong?" Mike finally asked.

Will sighed. "It's nothing." He was really thinking: Me. This. Everything. Why can't you see that Mike? I'm a freak.

He felt the tears well up, and swallowed thickly. Mike wrapped his arm around Will's shoulders, which only made him feel worse. How could Will ignore these feelings if Mike kept being nice to him?

He stood up. "Mike, in the van, I was giving you advice on your relationship with El, remember?"

Mike nodded, standing up as well, unsure where this was going.

Taking a deep breath, Will continued. "I said you're the heart of the group. But you're also my heart, Mike. I-" His voice broke. "I love you."

Mike stood there dumbfounded, arms limp by his side. "But I'm a boy."

Will swallowed. "A boy." He echoed. He could see Mike taking it all in, and it scared him. Would it ruin their friendship?

"Mike, say something." He begged, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I uh..." Mike scrunched his nose slightly, and if the circumstances were different, Will would daydream about how cute the expression was.

"Are– are you sure you're... gay?" Mike continued.

Will nodded his head. Please don't be angry. He looked at the curly haired boy, waiting for him to say something else, anything.

But Mike only turned away, and Will felt his already aching heart break into a million pieces.

He sank down to his knees, only to see that everyone was watching from a distance.

El was glaring, seemingly holding herself back from... Will didn't want to know. The gang was staring open mouthed, and Robin, Jonathan and Steve wore devastated, pitying expressions.

Will could only imagine what he looked like.

Shattered, hopeless, and broken.

Heart broken.

Author's Note: I'm going to cry now– actually I already did while I was writing...

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the short story. It's different to what I normally write and I know everyone likes the Byler fanfics where they end up together, but I can't see it happening. Mike doesn't like Will, and as much as we ship them, we can't change his sexuality :(  

Let me know if you want this to continue as a full story. If not, this is it <3

Love you guys,

The Author

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