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///////////////////////// Fjorm \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

I wake myself up. And I am in a dream. It was back where I found my god in my kingdom and told stories about my mother. Even if it was little, I can quickly tell that she cherished this moment until the end. But now it is so quick that it turned into a nightmare that I have to face and fulfill my fate as I am a sacrifice for the Rite of Ice in order to defeat the Flame King, Surtr. However, I unconsciously remember nor do not know this one. I have known the nightmare fairies from the time Alfonse and Sharena introduced them to me and confronted them. But this nightmare that I have... is so bizarre... and insightful. I remember the moment Princess... no. Laegjarn pierced me in the chest with her weapon, Níu back in that heated battle between my god and hers. But this dream is different. Instead of me taking the hit... My lance, Leiptr... was pierced right at her chest, the same as me. I feel shocked. Afraid. Not knowing what to do in this kind of situation. When I looked back to see a familiar face, I saw Nifl, with a cold stare against me, looking at me with sadness and a lifeless chilling sound can be heard through my ears.

"Well done, Fjorm. Now finish her. So that you are free."

What is this feeling in my chest? I don't want this. This wasn't supposed to happen. Surely there's got to be another way! But my hand suddenly moved on its own. I pulled Lieptr out, and blood is pouring out on Laegjarn's chest, slowly dripping and staining her armor with her own blood. Cold Blood. Was this price to pay... was it that great of a deal? I can hear some laughter, but it's not from my god. It's from Laegjarn's. Muspell. The God of Fire. I can feel his cackle through my body, as I slowly lift Leiptr up, about to thrust it to my friend's head. This isn't what I want. Stop. STOP!

"Heeeahaahahhehahhaa!!! ...You win, Nifl. Now the cycle will be an everlasting abyss of agony and despair..."

Those were the last words that I heard from this nightmare that I want to get out, or just even end it. And from the time I moved my hand through my friend's head, I hear another voice from a sudden distance.

"Fjorm! Wake up!"

And from there, I woke up in my bed, shivering as the aftermath of that nightmare has happened me. My vision is a bit blurred but then restored as I saw a figure in the shadows of my room. She was standing beside my bed. It's Leila, one of Ostia's spies, and she is one of the heroes that can gather intelligence as well as Matthew's partner.

"Fjorm, are you okay? You seem to be having a nightmare," She said as she inspects how I looked. "You are shaking your head in an odd manner. And you are sweating all over the place."

"I... I'm okay," I tried to lie my way in as I said this, even if I feel like I could not breathe. How can I not, when I am not cursed with the Rite of Ice anymore...?

"You are not fine, Princess. Your hands are shaking. And I can tell from your eyes that your nightmare is terrible as you imagine." Leila really knows what to say just by looking at me. I can see why Matthew is quite happy to see her again, even though he knows what will happen next to her. "I'll call Kiran. Maybe the Summoner can help you with your condition."

I slowly nod, leaving no choice but to follow her. She then leaves me by getting out of the door. And I slowly lie down on my bed again, staring at the dark ceiling. ...It's night. No, maybe dawn if I can tell through the time by the stars.
It's been years since Nifl healed me and lifted the curse. Laegjarn too, when we both defeat Muspell in order for her to be set free from the curse. We have our Ascendant forms that were blessed by our gods, and now we're back to normal, helping out the Order of Heroes and the duties we make in order to bring peace in Askr as well as their common enemy. I wonder how my brother is doing since he is the current king of the Kingdom of Nifl now...? I feel restless, too. And I get up after a short while, about to stretch my limbs as I get off my bed. My room is quite simplistic in its aesthetic, especially when it comes to Askr's. And there is a small balcony in my room, so I can feel the cold air that I missed from my homeland. I opened that door, and its welcoming nightly breeze is refreshing. But that doesn't mean I will not forget that nightmare. And as Peony told me...

"Dreams can happen somewhere in a different world. They are sometimes windows on what are the different outcomes that a person's life has."

If that seems to be the case, I need some advice from the Summoner. Maybe he can help me out of this nightmare. Because there's no other person that has this kind of wisdom other than him. He helped so many heroes to become who they truly are and is somehow a very good advisor when it comes to friendships and relationships. I have been struggling between me and Laegjarn recently with the friendship that we made a few months after the battle between two gods, and he helped us out in some odd ways possible, and somehow it worked.

And... I hope he summons my god back, and so is Laegjarn. We have been thinking about this for a while now. And if this is a way to unite our two kingdoms together, then it will be a lifelong dream to come true.

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