My dear love,

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I miss you. 

Each and every day and night, I think of you. Your comforting words, your straightforward gaze, your sweet caresses, your lovely voice, your mindful actions and your beautiful laugh—I miss them. I wish I could hear and see and feel them. 

I wish I could hear and see and feel you.

Where are you? 

You left that night when I was fast asleep, kissing a soft kiss on my forehead, murmuring pretty words into my ear that I could not hear over the rolling thunder. I felt cold drops of salty water drip onto my cheek. They fell and fell and would not stop. A quiet sniffling filled the silence. 

The rain outside fell in torrents; enough to sweep you far, far away—far away from me. I awoke, sleep clouding my vision. I looked around, and you had disappeared. Your teasing smile as you sat across from me on the table, stealing bits of my breakfast; your whining when you didn't want to go on the Ferris wheel; your tiny, adorable sneeze when I brought you flowers full of pollen—it was all gone. 



I lost you.

Memories of you play in my mind on repeat like a broken record. I am the broken record, and you are the missing piece.

I try so, so hard to go on—everyone says you would be happy if I do—but I am not happy. Not without you. I shed your tears and feel your sorrow every waking and sleeping second. My heart beats for you. I am living for you.

I am lost and lonely in this wide world, feeling your vacuum, but I know this—I love you. In happiness and joy, I love you. In sorrow and pain, I love you. In life and death, I love you. 

Always and forever, I will love you.

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