you're adopted

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"Be careful..which know what might happen..y/n-"

"Paimon,please shut the fuck up before I'm going full Mexican on your bitchass"

"Please just shut up you two"


Y/n replied with stupid face of them like a rotten clams. Aether's eyes losing its light everyday y/n keep being their stubborn head and refuse to heed his calls.Aether just gave y/n an stink eyes and looked away

"If that dragon founded us,you'll be the first person I wouldn't hesitate to give the dragon to eat"
Aether spoke in suprisingly tired tone and slightly looked at y/n who just smiling stupidly and titled their head to the side

"How does 'm gonna feel the pain if my head would have already be eaten fool-"

They immadetly stopped from talking when they saw and big blue dragon with this lil' fellas that seemly trying to..tamed it? Or comfort it? to be a good writer again?

"Was he..talking to the dragon..?"
Paimon she were slowly getting close to aether.
"are you blind pie? that lil fella literary was talkin to the dragon you piemake"

"Okay,just stopped you two-"

That's when parts of Aether clothes glows and letting out an..quite a noise I must said(not in sus way).The damnned dragon then let out an roars as the wind trying to blew all of three off

"I swear on the fucking vflower I'll fucking kill you dragon!"
Y/N lightly yelled. They griff their teeth and grabbed the nearest tree branch and hold 'em while their other arms grabbed Aether by his hips and pulling him SUPER close to them.Paimon then get yanked because of Aether's reflex which kind of like they are hugging each other

After the dragon stopped it roars,Y/n yanked aether to get down and like it was predicted,the dragin immediately flew off and that fella looked everywhere before shouted
"who's there?!"
As he also seemly to disappear

"Phew...that was...close I guess.."
Y/n said and patting their clothes off dust
"welp better get continued right Ae?"
Y/n question.however,their question didn't aswer by Aether which makes then worried As they turn around to look at aether

Aether had very red REALLY red face. And looked down so y/n didn't saw his flustered face

"Dude? Are you okay???? Your face is so red like you get kissed by som-"

Paimon screamed and slapped y/n upside down as they place their and on paimon hand print as Paimon go comfort lil blushing guy

Y/n asked.Their brain cannot cooperation with this situation rn

"Wait hold on! Don't leave me here!"

" got any drugs dude?"

"I just have naku that okay??"

"It's more than okay gimmexgimme"

𝔽𝕒𝕜𝕦 𝕪𝕠𝕦 【ɢᴇɴꜱʜɪɴ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ】Where stories live. Discover now