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"Fuck you, West," Coraline spat at the ginger currently sitting next to her.

"Right back at ya, Thatcher," He replied, a low growl to his tone.

The reason this back and forth was occurring was that both of them were currently in the principal's office for starting a fight in science class.

"You threw the beaker," She hissed.

"You kept bossing me around!" He replied, green eyes glaring.

"Oh, shut the fuck up, seriously. It's so much nicer when you're not talking," She said with a scoff.

Then the office door opened. "Ms. Thatcher. Mr. West. I'm sure you two both know why you're in here," The principal, Mrs. Barlowe, said as she crossed the room to her desk, sitting in front of the two.

There was a silence before the two of them pointed at the other and tried to shove the blame onto their counterpart.

"Listen, Mrs. Barlowe, he threw a beaker at me. A beaker!"

"Okay, shut up, you're sensitive, she kept bossing me around in the lab, and I didn't throw it, it slipped!"

"Sure, yeah, slipped. Like I'm going to believe that, gingersnap."

"Oh, okay, so now it's because I have red hair?"

"It's literally orange. Like bright orange. You like a rejected carrot-"

"Both of you! Enough!" The principal snapped, and both of them flinched and directed their gazes to her.

There was a muttered apology from both of them, and Mrs. Barlowe sighed. "I've already talked to both of your parents, and Wally, your mom said she'd pay to replace the beaker. But, seriously! I would expect better from you two, you're honor roll students."

"Nobody would expect that with the way she looks," Wally muttered, and Coraline kicked him under the desk.

Wally scoffed and kicked her back, to which she hit him on the arm. "Guys! Seriously! Stop it! I'm going to have to suspend you if this keeps up, and I really don't want to do that."

And the physical violence stopped.

"So here's the plan. You two must serve 30 hours of community service, picking up trash in the park. Together, I might add. Every day after school for two hours," She said calmly, but her words were much to the dismay of the two students in front of her.

"What?!" Coraline exclaimed, and Wally just had a shocked look on his face.

"I'm sorry, but it's school policy. That's final. You two can go back to class now," She said, and the two of them left the office.

Once the door was closed, Coraline shoved Wally. "Fuck you!"

Wally scoffed, "It was you who started the whole thing, why are you pissed at me?"

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever. I'll see you after school." Then she walked away, back to science class where she would have to see him, but the period was almost over anyways.

The rest of the day seemed to crawl by for the both of them, and they met in front of the school to see an enthused-looking Mrs. Barlowe waiting for them with trash bags and grabbers.

Coraline resisted the urge to roll her eyes, and Wally just flat-out did it. "This is stupid," He muttered, and she nodded her head in agreement. That was probably the only thing they were going to agree on today.

She handed Wally a roll of trash bags and she handed the grabbers to Coraline. "You two know where the park is. Now, I'm trusting you two to do this without supervision. Two hours. No skipping out, I will know."

rockstar girl # w. westWhere stories live. Discover now