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Third person POV
Izuku Midoriya, 4 years old getting ready to head towards the hospital with his mother for his test to see what type of quirk he gets, it doesn't matter to him what kind of quirk he gets, he wants to join the army under these watch of his grandfather and he hopes it is a very versatile quirk to help him.

As he and his mother jump in the car, he heard his mother ask him.

Inko: Izuku what kind of quirk do you think you will have. She asked

Izuku: I hope it's one that helps me with the army I don't want to be a hero. He said

Inko: Ok, even if your quirkless, me, your grandfather, aunties and uncles will always love you. She said with him nodding yes

(Time skip)
The greenette duo have made it to the hospital and then come face to face with One of the doctors.

Dr: Ok, I am going to draw some blood from you to find out what quirk you get. He said

After getting Izuku's blood the doctor hours to the machine to find what type of quirk, he would get.

Dr: Ok it seems that little Izuku has developed 2 quirks that goes under the Nanotechnology and inventory (Check bio for quirks description). He explained

Both the greenette were very happy and thanked the doctor and went home to celebrate.

It's been 12 years since Izuku found out about his quirk and from then he was looked down upon for having a supposed 'Weak' quirk, he was bullied by his ex best friend, but to him he never gave a damn as he saw the truth of what is now a person who is now not his friend, but a shell of his former self.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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