Mysterious masked stalkers and even more mysterious circumstances.

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Set during canon events

1. Things are getting worse. It seems as the investigation continues you get no closer to the truth and only end up with more questions and even more danger. You're being perused by unknown masked stalkers and have no idea who's side these mysterious people are on. Cryptic messages and clues, footage you don't remember getting and obviously not shot from your perspective, and even footage of these masked individuals finding their ways into your home while you sleep. Who are these people and are they friend, foe, or something else?

2. Somethings wrong. You keep finding yourself in very odd and worrying situations. You keep waking up,  missing chunks of time and wearing clothes you didnt have on or may not even remember owning previously. Even worse, according to others footage, sometimes these missing chunks of time have coincided with the appearance of a masked figured lurking in the frame, undetected until editing.

3. Make it up.

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