given up

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She walked through the treacherous path to get here.

She tried so hard and worked tirelessly to get here.

She gave up everything for this, left everyone she had ever known to get here.

She did it.

She made it.

She's here.

But one has to wonder, is it really worth it?

Was it worth all that treachery?

Was it worth all that work?

Was it worth giving up everything and everyone?

Maybe it was.

She certainly did not feel that way.

She broke her back for this.

Her heart nearly stopped for this.

She killed for this.

And this is what's left.

An empty forest.

No colours that were promised are present.

No happiness that was promised is present.

No life that was promised is present.

It's saturated. Nearly everything has lost its colour.

It's sad, really. No one would ever want to be here.

Nothing's there. All the animals are gone.

She gave up everything.

She climbed mountains and sifted through trees.

She left her mother and best friend behind to wither away.

She killed her only partner.

She arrived.

Here she is, ready for anything.

Ready for adventure.

Ready for heartbreak.

Ready for the life she was promised.

Now that she's seen it, it's gone.

She's gone.

I'm finally free.

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