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Wyaatt's tired figure shuffles into her home. After standing in the operating room for god knows how long, all she wants is to relax. Being there to make sure her friend was safe was worth it to her. But she still has to get back to her job soon, and she plans to save as much energy as possible.

She makes her way to her office. The blinds are shut and the light is off, leaving the room shrouded in darkness. You can make out the outline of a few shelves, covered in knickknacks and a singular desk pushed up against a wall. The desk is lightly covered in different materials. Pens, pencils, a few stray notebooks, and a laptop right in the center. An all black swivel chair is neatly pushed into the desk.

She pulls out the chair, plopping down in it, hunched over. This poor posture isn't good but she doesn't care at the moment. Wyaatt opens up her laptop, typing for a few seconds. A video streaming sight has been pulled up. It's the void. What better way to relax than watch one of her favorite shows. 

Despite just opening her laptop, Wyaatt proceeds to pull out her palm husk. A DM conversation from a few hours ago can be seen as she types. 

'(A/N: Are you doing ok? If there's anything you need I'll help. I hope your recovery is fast and painless!)'

Wyaatt is still worried about Discor, despite parting ways not to long ago. She wasn't able to have much conversation with her friend recovering from the anesthesia. Plus Discor seemed to have a more important conversation with someone else. It's all fine to Wyaatt, she doesn't care. That's what she convinced herself.

She sends her message, patiently waiting for Discor to respond. But after a few moments, there's nothing, no response, the message had not even been read. She knows Discor has her notifications on, so why isn't she responding. 

'Maybe she's talking about something important right now', Wyaatt thinks to herself.

So she waits a little longer. 

But nobody responded.

Worried, Wyaatt directs her attention to her laptop screen. Discor was supposed to be in the void with Vinzer so maybe something happened. The screen changes, the camera showing a view of the vibe fort.


Seems she is busy with something.

As Wyaatt continues to stare at the screen her face falls into a frown. The light glare on her glasses hides the swirling emotion in her eyes. Anger, sadness, jealousy, even a somber happiness. 

It's fine, everything's fine. 

She shouldn't even be feeling this way. It's not her place. There's no excuse. Why. Why. Why. Why. So why does she still feel this way. It's sickening. She has to get out, she has to distract herself with something.

Wyaatt closes her laptop, placing it into the satchel on her side before standing up. She snaps her palm husk closed, her grip on it tightens. She exits the room, head down and shoulders hunched. 


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