World end

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A teenager is woken to the sound of their pester client going off. After a few seconds of laying down, they finally sit up raking a hand through their hair. What a silly dream they just had. A bit weird but nothing they can't handle. I mean a little girl telling them that a shitty game is gonna end the world? She must have just been exaggerating...right? Despite the encounter just being a dream they can't help but feel a little anxious about the situation. It'll be fine.


They turn their head to the origin of the noise, it's their laptop. They slowly pull themselves out of bed, and make their way to the desk, putting on their glasses along the way. It's probably one of their friends sending a silly cat picture again.

Starting up the laptop they immediately open up the pesterchum client.

-- lilacBranches [LB] began pestering curiouslyConfused [CC] at 20:32 --

They freeze, a sense of dread washes over them. So it was real. The panic starts to set in. This has to be a sick joke right? Right?

They can't bring themselves to respond. They sit and stare at their screen as an empty look falls upon their face. The end of the world will be soon.

Rp drabblesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt