Count & Princess Captured

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Of all the Separatist leaders, Count Dooku was one of the worst. A former Jedi Master who once taught Obi-Wan Kenobi's master Qui-Gon Jinn, and fell to the Dark side as one of the most infamous Sith Lords known.
Capturing him would be a big step into ending the war, and Anakin was reluctant to let Gabby onto this mission. Dooku had already captured her once, and may very well have taken advantage of her young age to turn her to the dark side, and use her powers for the Sith's personal gain.
After attempting to capture the count, Anakin Skywalker and Gabby go missing. Now, Obi-Wan has gone on a rescue mission, boarding Dooku's ship to find his missing friends.
Obi-Wan boarded the ship, where he met a couple of friends who also snuck on board to help.
"Good to see you made it in one piece, Master Kenobi," said Carousella. And, she wasn't alone.
With Carousella was a rather unique creature named Vivian Bizarra, the princess of Vulgardia.
Vivian was mostly light blue with white on her chest. In front she had the body of a wolf, but her back end was that of a horse, and she had a horse's mane too. She also had the grey wings of a grey falcon. She was a creature called a viventia, a magical creature that tended to have a unique mixture of at least three different types of animals, as well as many abilities of them.
"Is Vivian ready to find Skywalker?" Obi-Wan asked.
"Yes, Sir." The viventia said, her tail wagging like a happy puppy's.
Being part wolf, Vivian had a naturally keen sense of smell. Carousella would've sniffed for Anakin and Gabby, but her nose wasn't as sensitive as a canine's, and the doors on Separatist brigs tended to be made with really thick metal. So, Vivian was the best option.
Vivian sniffed around the hall, stopping at each door to take a big whiff and find Anakin.
"Found him!" Vivian said, posing to point at the right door.
"Good girl," said Obi-Wan, scratching behind her ear.
Obi-Wan opened the door and entered the cell. Except, he didn't seen Anakin, but he sensed something behind and above him, and it wasn't the animals.
Anakin jumped down from the ceiling, Obi-Wan igniting his lightsaber.
"Oh... it's you." Anakin said.
"This is how you thank us for rescuing you, pounce on me from the ceiling?" Obi-Wan said.
"A little difficult without a...lightsaber." Anakin took his weapon. "Thanks."
"Did you manage to locate Dooku before-augh!" Obi-Wan was interrupted as someone else pounced him from the ceiling, this time knocking him to the floor on his stomach. He looked over his shoulder to see it was none other than Gabby.
"Before you got pounced?" Gabby kissed Obi-Wan's cheek and giggled. The other girls laughed too.
Anakin chuckled and picked up his daughter saying, "I know he's on board. Might've been a little easier if I had my weapon or you let Gabby use her powers, or at least have her guardian nearby."
"It was important for you to arrive without your weapon, and Gabriella to appear unprotected and unable to fight to make your capture convincing." Obi-Wan explained.
"Oh, they were convinced alright," Anakin said. "but how come I'm the one getting caught all the time?"
"What about me?" Gabby added. "Isn't it kinda cliché since I'm a princess? What's next? I fall asleep and have to be kissed to wake up?"
Anakin agreed. "She's got a point. It doesn't look good for either of us."
"Anakin, when you're a Jedi Master, you can make the plan." Obi-Wan said. "And Gabby, you can handle the bigger things when you're older."
"That's just it. How can I become a Jedi master if I'm always getting caught?" Anakin asked.
"At least you're a master at getting caught," joked Carousella, beating Obi-Wan to it.
"Very funny," said Anakin sarcastically.

Anakin placed Gabby onto Carousella's back before he and Obi-Wan walked into a room, where they found Count Dooku who seemed to be meditating.
"Surprise, surprise." Anakin said with more sarcasm.
"If it isn't Count Dooku," said Obi-Wan simply.
"Obi-Wan Kenobi. I thought I sensed an unpleasant disturbance in the Force." Dooku said. "I see you've freed young Skywalker and the princess. Where would they be, if you were not always out to rescue them?"
A droid then reported a Jedi cruiser attacking.

"Let's try not to blow up the ship before they get off this time." Ahsoka told Rex as they stood on one of the ships attacking Dooku's.

"Your ship is surrounded, Count." Anakin said. "Republic troops are boarding as we speak."
"Jedi fools," said Dooku, and then he dropped into a trap door that led to what looked like a slide.
"I should have seen that coming," said Obi-Wan, unsurprised. Then becoming surprised when Anakin approached where Dooku made his exit. "What are you doing?"
"Following him." said Anakin.
"Not that way. We need to cut him off."
"You cut him off. I'll follow him and meet you at the hangar."
"Why do I even bother?" Obi-Wan asked himself, running back in the girls' direction. "Let's go, girls!"
Anakin jumped in and followed Dooku, while Obi-Wan went the other way, hoping to cut Dooku off at the hangar. Vivian followed down the chute in case Anakin needed help, while Carousella and Gabby went with Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan and the princess managed to catch up to Dooku at the hangar, but Dooku had already boarded his ship. Gabby tried to use her vines to grab him, but she wasn't fast enough, and Dooku flew away.
"Dang it!" Gabby said. "Of all times for my powers to go AWOL."
"Worry about that later," said Obi-Wan, and they quickly rushed to another ship, Anakin and Vivian joining them soon after.
"I thought you were following Dooku," said Carousella.
"We were," said Vivian.
"We followed him here." Anakin finished, starting up the ship. "Hang on, kids!"
And off they went to pursue Count Dooku.
"Ahsoka, Dooku managed to escape." Obi-Wan said into his comm. "We're in pursuit, but we could use reinforcements. Follow us in what ships you can round up."
"We'll get there as soon as we can." Ahsoka promised.

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