Heroes on Both Sides

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Across the galaxy as war continues to brew, the cost of the war also rises at an alarming rate.

On this particular day, the Senate has called an emergency meeting to debate the true cost of the war.

The Senators were all talking at once, leading Mas Amedda to call for order.

"Let Senator Saam finish." sai Mas Amedda.

"This is a matter not of philosophy," said Senator Saam. "More troops are needed. The Republic cannot afford to let the Separatists gain any more ground."

"Our generals inform us that troops in the field continue to perform valiantly," said Senator Bail Organa. "What we cannot afford is to be irresponsible. The Republic is near bankruptcy due to the cost of this war."

Senators cheered and jeered at that.

"Bankruptcy is not necessary, my friends." said Senator Dod. "If we pass Senator Saam's bill to open new lines of credit, we will gain access to the needed funds."

"Won't this bill essentially deregulate the banks?" Said a human female senator.

"A small price to pay to finance the war, is it not?" Said a Kaminoan senator.

""We must keep the war going." Said two more senators.

"Get a bill on the table!" Shouted another voice.

Gabby looked around at all the senators arguing. She didn't like what she was seeing. That was when her mother stepped up.

"Members of the Senate, do you hear yourselves? More money, more clones, more war. Say nothing of fiscal responsibility, what about moral responsibility? Hasn't this war gone on long enough?"

"I must agree with Senator Skywalker," said Queen Sophia, her daughters Esther and Memoria beside her. "This war doesn't just affect us. It affects the children as well. What kind of example are we setting for them by encouraging war to continue?"

"Senator Skywalker," Senator Saam spoke up. "Are you suggesting we surrender to the Separatists?"

"Of course not." said Padme. "But negotiation might be a better course of action."

"You can't negotiate with animals." Said another senator. "Keep the war going."

King Leofric let out a mighty roar to get attention.

"Need I remind you some of your allies are animals?" said the viventia king.

"If our kind could be reasoned with and be tame enough to be your allies despite our so-called savage nature through negotiation," said Queen Carnatia. "Why can't there be even the smallest morsel of a chance that Senator Skywalker's negotation idea woud not work with the Separatists?"

But the Senate just chanted "Vote now!"

"Members of the Senate," said Bail. "I suggest we table any emergency bill until it is determined whether or not deregulation is the right course of action."

"Very well," said Mas Amedda. "We shall let calmer heads prevail."

Later, Senators Dod and Saam met in an office with a Banking Clan official.

"That legislation would have meant billions for us," said the Banking Clan guy.

"I tried my best to push the bill through." Said Saam.

"You did your part, Representative," said Senator Dod. "Senator Skywalker is the problem."

"I thought age combined with motherhood might temper her idealism," said the banker.

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