Dear friend

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Someone once told me how beautiful I was.
And the magic that I hold.
Someone told me that working hard would work.
And this person I hold in my heart.
For they guided me into the light.

They showed me a world beyond compare.
They gave me hope and a lot to spare.
Moving with me, each step of the way
They guided me with love and care.

Dear friend, whoever you may be, I will never forget what you did for me.
Giving me hope and giving me strength.
Showing me that there is beauty out there.
If only others could have someone like you.
Who can be there when they need you.

Someone that's strong,
Someone that's brave,
Someone who cares.

If only they could be lucky enough to have someone like you.
Dear friend, who is mine alone.
I would like to share you with the rest of the world.
To show them your kindness, and tender heart.
To show them the beauty that we call love.

If only they were lucky enough to have someone like you, someone immortal.
Someone who is true.
If only I wasn't so selfish,
If only I could be like you.
I true friend, a dear friend like you

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