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After running and running for hours, Arianna stopped and heaved a sigh of relief but she knew the spell would wear out and they would catch up with her sooner or later.
The baby in her arms whimpered.

"Shush little princess, mommy's here." She cooed rocking the baby gently. It was a quiet night,no chirping insect or growling animal in view.
Cradling the baby in her arms, Arianna sank on a fallen tree trunk and sniffled as the tears came in torrents.

With a dead mate,a wounded heart and a year old baby, her desire to live was extinguished.
After staring at the full moon for what seemed like a minute, an idea popped into her head.
"Forgive me little princess but I have to do this to keep you safe."

She whispered and gently plucked a strand from the baby's blond hair.
She settled the baby down carefully and reached for the pouch strapped to her thigh. She unties the pouch and brought out a pocket knife and a vial half-filled with a clear blue liquid. Slitting her right thumb with the knife,she forced her blood into the vial and added the plucked strand of hair as she chanted the concealing spell. The blue liquid bubbled and slowly became colourless as large gusts of wind blew rustling leaves and trees.
Picking the baby up as gently as she could, she forced the liquid down her throat. The baby spluttered and started to whimper.

"Ohh please there's no time.." Arianna whispered.
This time the baby swallowed the potion and let out a faint whimper as her blue eyes slowly turned to hazel.

Keeping the baby as clean as she could with the cleaning spell, Arianna continued on her solitary journey.
"I'm so proud of you." She muttered and the baby giggled sucking on her thumb as she slowly fell asleep .
She stopped for a moment and soared into Oversight, the spell on the cottage was slowly fading.
She had to move faster.

Clutching the sleeping baby to her chest, Arianna hitched up her cloak and tore through the trees.
She ran through the woods and came face to face with a lake surrounded by tents.
"Thank Goodness.." She muttered and hurried towards the closest tent.
She pecked the baby's forehead and dabbed at the tears in her eyes. She pulled off her cloak and wrapped it around the baby after drawing a knitted wool cap over the baby's head. Pecking the baby's cheeks one last time, she shifted into a silvery-white wolf with lustrous blue eyes, howled and disappeared into the woods..

Embroidered clearly on the knitted cap was a name.

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