The Snowy Day (A Poem)

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The sun rises on the cold earth,

Filling it with mirth*

Sounds of animals are heard,

From a sleep some are stirred.

They look out the window at the world below,

Seeing the silvery snow, and ice on the window.

They run outside, through the trees and feel the soft breeze,

Gazing upon the beautiful freeze—

Silvery Snow,

The icy glow,

All capture a beauty that will one day melt away,

Like Venus arriving on the ocean sway,

The beauty is brief, and will disappear like a frozen leaf.

The feeling of joy, like when you get a brand new toy,

Is filling the hearts of children who head out to play,

On such a snowy day,

They only think of what they can make,

With snow and a garden rake.

They grab silvered pine cones, while the icy wind blows,

They create a shape,

With the snow now made enormous in weight,

Of a man.

They choose a name from the 1960s special, they decide to name him after "Frosty,"

And then the wind becomes gusty,

And they decide to go home.

Oh, the beauty of the cold earth,

Is seen by many,

Though it brings joy to many,

And others would pay a penny,

For it to simply melt away.

The beauty of the snow,

Before it goes,

Is a thing to see,

For a brief moment it makes many feel free,

From the stresses of life that make them feel

As if they are stuck at sea.

Once more,

the sun rises on the cold earth.

*Author's Note: mirth means merriment. 

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