Chapter 6

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I could feel my temperature going higher and my eyes changing color, I was finding it hard to breathe even, I need to kill him, suddenly I felt her lips on mine.

The kiss was slow and tender, it had so many emotions, and I on the other hand was suddenly red, did she notices I was looking at her lips all the while she was talking, fuck am not ready for this, I noticed I stopped trembling all my anger vanished when she kissed me, my hands where wrapped around her waist and I deepened the kiss making her moan and gosh was that the sexiest sound that I ever heard

" Derek"

" Shit am sorry"

Gasps, I heard gasps

" Did he just say sorry, the most feared Mafia Prince in the world just said sorry o mi gosh and he is even blushing, am I dreaming, this has to be a dream cause it's definitely too good to be true" Kay Said all in one breath

" Will you just shut the fuck up Kaden?"

" Am sorry"

" Better"

I rolled my eyes and let Delia feed me as I smuggled into her neck.

" Hey Dell and Derek am Beck and this is Aaron if you care to know"

" Of course we care to know, right Derek?"

"Oh sure" I said as I accepted another bit of my food and continued cuddling with her.

When we were done eating dinner, Delia and I dropped the tray with the lunch lady, said goodbye to Kay, Jay, Beck and Aaron and went to our respective rooms to rest of course

'Okay so are we going to pretend that nothing happened'

I asked Carl in my mind

'Bro am freaking out too'

' I literally can't get her out of my head'

' well we can try besides am getting really tried good night Dear bear'

' Good night to you too Carly boo'

I slept off.

A/n: Mature content 😉

I woke up to my cell door sliding open, so I checked the night stand seeing it was 2 fucking am, who the fuck will want to disturb a sleeping Derek at two in the fucking morning.

The person got on my bed and straddled me, then the person trapped my hands above my head before I could say anything the person kissed me, my mind wasn't really ready for a kiss and I didn't know if it is Delia or not so I opened my eyes and luckily it was Delia, thank God.

Her kisses got more heated and intense making me grab her waist while I kissed her back, she suddenly started pulling at my shirt but instead of taking it off she tore it, like seriously why will she do that to one of my favorite shirt.

She stroked my abs lightly and started riding me fast and hard so my breathing started picking up has my eyes closed and I stared moaning. She picked up her pace as her mouth left mine and went down to my chest,she bit so hard into my chest and I could literally feel blood coming out not much though but it's still blood.

Then she kissed her mark slowly and went up to my neck and bit onto my soft spot making me moan but then blood started to leave my body, wait I think she is feeding from me, she's a vampire.

She went back to kissing me with my blood on her lips typical Delia and I kissed her back without a second thought

" Delia wait... Shit "

I turned her over but then she just wrapped her legs around my waist and grabbed my hair roughly making me inch closer to her, she was about to grab my lips but I turned making her kiss my cheek instead and she was not happy about it so she used her other hand to grab my hair making me look straight at her and she kissed me forcefully bitting my lips in process which made me slightly more heated, how the fuck does she know I like it rough am like literally feeling over the fucking moon right now.

She suddenly started trying to remove my trousers ( pants as the Americans call it) so I cut her hands

" Delia stop"

I could barely speak cause of how heated up or flustered I was. She didn't want to stop but I have to stop her I just have to cause I was ready to take her to the moon and back and make her scream my name till we both cum

" Delia please stop"

" Why, we both want this Derek so don't stop me"

" I beg you stop Delia, please stop I know you don't want to do this"

" But I want this Derek"

" No you don't"

"Derek please I need this"

" What is wrong with you Delia? this is really not like you"

" I... I just want to fuck you Derek, please let me have sex with you my Alex"

She said touching my chest then I grabbed her hands

" Delia, you can't just sneak into my room in the middle of the night and ask for sex, like seriously who the fuck does that let's leave the side that you woke me up from sleep, who the hell does that"

"Derek I just need you"

" Delia that's ..."

She kissed me again

" Derek please "

" No, n.. not right now am sorry my princess"

" okay I guess I will just wait then"

I kissed her head then wrapped her hands around my neck and snuggles into her neck and slept off.


I know am going to be in so much trouble if I leave my room, I know Delia will have her way with me one way or another so I don't plan on waking her up or even waking up early myself cause to be honest am really tried.

A certain someone sneaked up on me yesterday and gave me sleepless night so now I have to spend my day sleeping, that reminds me I haven't switched on my phone for a while. I sighed know that I had to answer Eric sooner or later.

I really need to find out what Emily have been saying about Delia that makes him hate her so much, but I got to say she is really manipulative as fuck and really attractive too if I may add, I really want to get to know her, like seriously who wouldn't.

I kissed her cheek and switch my phone on, after a minute or two it came up and reviewed 100 missed calls from Eric, 17 missed call from my Dad, and 5,000 fucking messages all for me.

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