Clank and Kit: You Did The Right Thing

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(At the Great Clock)

"Thank you so much for coming with me, Kit," said Clank.

"You are very welcome, Clank," said Kit.

Clank had traveled to the Great Clock to check and see how everything was going. He was originally given the task to become the Senior Caretaker of the clock by his father, Orvus. But eventually, he realized he couldn't leave his best friend, Ratchet, behind. At least not until he found his own family. So he decided to promote his friend, whose name was Sigma 0426A, or Sigmund for short, to Senior Caretaker in his place. Still, there would be a few times where Clank would return to the Great Clock to make sure everything was okay. And today, he thought it might be alright if he invited Kit, his female counterpart from another dimension, to come along with him. When they arrived at the entrance to the Orvus Chamber, they were given a warm welcome by Sigmund.

"Clank!" Sigmund said in delight as he rushed over to Clank and vigorously shook his hand. "It's so great to see you again!"

"Hello, Sigmund," Clank said with a smile. "If it is alright with you, I have brought a new friend along with me this time."

"A new friend?" Sigmund said in surprise. "Oh, how wonderful! Who is it?"

Clank then turned to Kit and said, "Kit, this is Sigmund. Sigmund, this is Kit."

"It is nice to meet you, Sigmund," Kit said in a friendly voice as she held her hand out to shake Sigmund's.

"Why, hello, Kit!" Sigmund replied, shaking her hand. "Any friend of Clank's is a friend of mine."

Then he noticed Clank's new yellow right arm that Rivet gave him and said, "Hey, nice paint job on your arm, Clank."

"Why, thank you," Clank said, flattered. "But it is actually a prosthetic arm, not a paint job."

Sigmund gasped in shock and said, "Oh, dear! What happened to you?"

"It is a long story," replied Clank.

Then Kit spoke up and added, "We will tell you all about it. But I would also like to see more of the Great Clock, if that is okay."

"Yes, of course it is!" Sigmund replied, excitedly. "I would love to give you a tour of the Great Clock. And if you like, we can also talk and get to know each other during it. What do you say?"

"Yes," said Kit with a smile. "That would be wonderful."

Then she turned to Clank and asked, "What do you think, Clank?"

Clank smiled back to her and said, "Of course."

"Well, then right this way, ma'am," said Sigmund as he escorted Kit to a different part of the Great Clock and Clank followed along.

As the two male robots showed Kit many different parts of the Great Clock, all three of them had a great time talking about their past adventures, such as saving the clock from being used as a time machine by Dr. Nefarious and repairing dimensional rifts to save the omniverse. Clank and Kit even told Sigmund about how Clank lost his arm during the dimensional cataclysm and the time Kit accidentally caused Rivet to lose her right arm while she was working as a warbot for Emperor Nefarious. All of this was a lot for both Kit and Sigmund to process. But they were both very relieved that everything had worked out just fine in the end.

Finally, the three robots reached the last part of the tour: the Orvus Chamber.

"And here is where our tour ends," Sigmund said to Kit, acting as a tour guide. "The Orvus Chamber."

"Oh, my," Kit said in amazement.

"That's right," Sigmund continued. "This room is where the main controls for the Great Clock are located. And here is the main switch."

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