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Four cats sat around the glowing stone, their pelts rippling nervously along their spines.

"What does this mean? I don't understand. The clans have lived together for moons without peril and rivalry. Why now?"

The eldest of the group bowed their head and sighed. "Unfortunately, I think the time for peace is over Fennelstorm. The clans must prepare, for where cheatgrass meets clover, wind will blind and rain will wreak havoc. A blazing storm is coming, and we must find a way to stop it. We mustn't let the wind blind us. We must survive the oncoming storm, or all of us will surely perish." Their voice was grave and full of doubt. They weren't sure how they could survive such destruction.

"We will survive this. We must tell our leaders about StarClan's warning. They can guide us through whatever may be brewing." One of the cats said, whiskers twitching. They hoped they were right.

The other cats nodded in agreement and rose to their paws. One of the cats hesitated for a moment, staring at the glowing stone for a moment longer. "StarClan save us..." they whispered before following their companions out of the cave.


Coming Soon
Cheatgrass & Clover - A Warrior Cats Command Game

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