Sometimes Things are Hazy

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Brooklyn Bella Gatina

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Brooklyn Bella Gatina

My head was throbbing and I felt like I had just been ran over by a truck repeatedly, refusing to open my eyes knowing I would be met with the bright sun as I began pulling the blankets over my head to shield me from the light of day. I let out a groan, rolling over, my body collided into someone else's. I truly thought I had woken up alone. I had no memory of the night before. I knew I had possibly, most definitely got into a fight with Leland. I always did when I partied. It most likely was Leland next to me, I stretched out my hand to rest over his chest as I slowly leaned up. I looked over and my eyes widened at the sight of the blonde hair, blue eyed boy peacefully sleeping next to me. It was not Leland. It wasn't even close to Leland.

It was Jamie. Jamie Fucking Scott. My best friends' older brother. That Jamie was in the bed next to me. In the bed next to me was a partially naked Jamie Scott and I, Brooklyn Gatina was completely naked. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. I jumped out of the bed and hurriedly pulled on an shirt, twice my size, and very much not me. I put my face in my hands as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"What the fuck happened last night?" I asked myself quielty not wanting to wake Jamie up trying my best to recall the night before, I had nothing. How could I have ended up in bed with Jamie? I mean sure he was very attractive and any girl would be lucky to have him but he was my best friends' brother. He was my brother's best friend. The love of his life just died. Maybe nothing happend. Oh my god. I'm a horrible person. Oh my fucking god. Everything was just fuzzy and jumbled the more I tried to figure it out the more confused I got.

I slipped off the shirt and put my dress back on throwing my messy curlsed hair up into a messy bun before grabbing my phone, shoes and jacket, I quietly exited the room and made my way into the kitchen/living room.I found Olivia and Lydia sitting at the kitchen bar. They both smiled at me, I could tell they were exhausted. I took a seat next to them. "What the hell happened last night ?" I asked my best friends trying to get answers out of them, hoping they knew more than I did or at least something.

They both just laughed at me, this was not a laughing matter, I felt sick to my stomach about this. "You seriously have no memories from last night ?" Olivia questioned me, raising her eyebrows at me. I shook my head "If I knew what happened I wouldn't be asking you now would I ?" I snapped slightly at Olivia. Obviously I was freaked out by the fact that I woke up in the same bed as Jamie. Olivia kind of slouched down. I didn't mean to come off rude or anything but I needed answers.

"Um, all that happened was you breaking up with Leland. Oh and your brother punching him in the face," Lydia shrugged, "After that you kind of went haywire with Chantel." My eyes grew and I shook my head. Well I guess that explains not remembering anything. Everytime I partied with Chantel, I could count on craziness and a side effect of not remembering things which means I don't think I'm going to find answers from anyone except Jamie. God Damnit.

I could hear stomping coming down the stairs. I took a deep breath because I knew this was Leland making his appearance for the morning. We made eye contact before I looked away quickly. Avoiding each other and not saying not one word to each other. You could see where my brother had clocked him, it was a very noticeable mark on his jaw. Did he know about me and Jamie? Did he see something happen last night? So many questions ran through my mind. This can't be happening, I thought to myself. I am a lot of things but I am NOT the girl who sleeps with their best friends' older brother, especially their older brother who is grieving the loss of his ex-girlfriend.

"I need air," I said as I got up quickly, throwing on my jacket in an attempt to keep me warm from the morning air as I walked outside as quickly as I could, I felt like I was suffocating inside. I was greeted with the cold morning breeze, it woke me up and brought goose bumps to my legs. This morning in Tree Hill was particularly freezing but i would rather be outside freezing my ass off then inside where i felt like everyone inside eyes were on me and knew something that i didn't, i hated it. I just stood out there for awhile, lost in my thoughts. I was so lost I didn't even here the door close behind me. "Hey Brooke," I turned around, well I guess it was time for that awkward conversation because there he stood. James Lucas Scott, what did we do last night? I swallowed hard, "Hi."

AN: another chapter up because why not !!!

AN: another chapter up because why not !!!

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— kenaki

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