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My father lay on his bed begging me to come nearer.

He whispers in my ear "Talia." he croaks "Your mother would be proud to know our country is safe with you." A tear falls from his eyes at the mention of my deceased mother. But I am quick to wipe it away gently from his face. I squeeze his hand and look into his usually glowing icy blue eyes to see that grey has almost devoured them. As I begin to speak words of hope and encouragement, he quickly shushes me with his slowly dying finger telling me in a sad hoarse voice "There is no hope for me now my little prinsessa. I will be gone and sent to the skies to watch over you." My face is visibly saddened at the thought of him not being here. He notices. "Don't cry elska, I am just going away on a trip to the heavens, hopefully." he jokingly grumbles. Making me release a small giggle.


"Of course, you will be sent to the heavens pabbi! You have but not one mean bone in your body!" I joyfully announce.


That joy quickly replaced with worry as I feel his hand grow limp in mine. I yell and scream for docters, for nurses, for anyone. People come rushing in, tears in my eyes and my heart beating through my ears make it incredibly difficult to acknowledge anyone other then my fathers pale body. Peple wave hands in my face trying to get me awake from the trance that I am in. I yell asking why he isn't waking up, already knowing the reason. I cling unto his body like a koala, my eyes still watering with tears. Shaking him in hope he will wake up. Shaking myself, making sure this isnt a dream.

But as they pull me aways from his side, I fully understand like never before that he's gone,  forever. My body forms into a ball.  My heart beat steadys. I become awear of the people surronding me. They are running around, calling people, writing things down.  

I suddenly feely big strong hands pick me up and hug me. They feel warm and soft, and I am to tirerd to care. So I lay my head down driffting of in to a dreamless sleep.

The Murder Of Talia DunWhere stories live. Discover now