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I was walking back to the university when I got robbed and next thing I know was blood coming out of me. Next I know is being pulled from my body and in a dark place. I open my eyes to see nothing but darkness.
















The darkness went on forever...

Until all of a sudden I am falling fast. "Ahhhhhhhhh", I say as I keep screaming until I see a bright light. I look at my surroundings and see doctors in masks and I am then cut and placed into a lady's arms. I look at her and I see that she is Abby Bennet from The Vampire Diaries. I stop crying and just come to the conclusion that I have been reborn which sucks. I will put a plan in motion when I get older.

I am now 2 and I said my first word and walked to Grams. It was infront of mom and grandma, which was "Witch"!  Abby looked at me in shock and surprise. While Grams looked at me in surprise and proudness. I then walked to Grams and hugged her leg. Now both of them were surprised and happy. We celebrated great after that.

I am now 5 and I have a baby sister, her name is Bonnie Bennet and I love her. Abby left after the thing with Mikeal and i never seen or heard from her leaving Grams to raise 2 little children. I made a promise to protect and love her since she came into the world. She's 4 now but she is doing good at walking now. I asked Grams to let me take defense classes and gymnastics and let me try out for cheerleading. She said I could. I met Caroline in gymnastics and at school and every since then we have been best friends after I shoved a girl of the walk thing when she pushed Caroline off.

At age 8, I got my magic but it felt weird like I was missing something. I asked Grams about it and she said that I have to wait til I am older and she will tell me but she said that she will teach me how to control it. I thanked her and asked to go to Caroline's house for a sleepover. She said yes and to have fun which I did but in the middle of the night I woke up to feeling something watching me. I looked around the room and saw nothing but I looked at Caroline and went to go to sleep.

At age 11, I met the Scooby gang. They were ok but I didn't like Elena because of her spoiled and selfish and crybaby ways that she had, meanwhile Matt was already falling for her like a sick puppy wanting attention. Now Tyler he was ok but he was mean to Caroline and he was being a douche. Bonnie she is my sister so I already knew her but she is not as obsessed with Elena as the OG timeline but still chose to be her friend. Caroline had a huge impact because instead of being insecure of herself she is more of her vampire self but still bubbly. My only friend is Care. I had excellent control of my powers and I decided to make a list of things I need to fix and do.

To do List:

-break Enzo out✔(age 14)
-help Nik break his curse
-make Damon see that Katherine is a manipulative, backstabbing slut
-run a daylight ring business ✔(age 14)
-make sure Caroline and Bonnie are safe✔(all ages)
-hide the moonstone ✔(age 13)
-dig up Giuseppes grave and get the book✔(age 14)
-and more

At age 14, I decided to break Enzo out of Augustin. It was also cause I killed people left to right and I gained a new friend. I told him to go to my safe place and I will meet him in a few. I contacted Rose and asked her do she want the daylight. She said yeah whats the price and I asked for 2 million dollars. Which she happily agreed after some persuasion. I then make sure I have the money in the account and I go find a house that I buy and a safe house I have to go to. I meet up with Enzo and see that he just finished his dinner I give him a daylight ring that I made when I was 12. He takes it and I tell him to go and live his life and that I will call him if he wants to come back. He gave me a hug and said, "Goodbye my savior. Until we meet again."

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