Maybe We Really Are Friends

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Izuku had concluded that Mei was indeed, weird .

She never stopped rambling about making babies (he was still somewhat disappointed that she wasn't talking about real babies, oh well), and it reminded him of himself when he started muttering about quirks.

He also thinks that she's probably touch deprived, always latching on to whatever physical contact she could get. That also meant that she didn't do boundaries. Not that he minded, it's not like he wasn't, either .

Furthermore, she wasn't just crazy about building, she was crazy about everything . Not that it was quiet when she wasn't there, he himself was rather loud.

Yet, she always held true to her word.

She was truly adamant about being his friend, so she hasn't left him alone.

She showed up at Dagobah every morning, at exactly 5:30am bringing new blueprints and food (he noticed how she always packed more food ever since she followed him to his trailer, not that he'd say anything. Who was he to refuse free food?).

She's also undeniably smart. Behind those crazy eyes lied a very unique brain. She has the best ideas when it comes to building things. Like the dubbed 'baby 376' which is basically a floating skateboard which they have yet to name.

She seemed to follow him everywhere he went, and honestly? He didn't mind it at all.

She never treated him differently for his lack of a quirk, or made him feel as if he was annoying in a way. She listened to his rambling about quirks, often adding her own insights.

Izuku always found himself looking into those lemon colored eyes, searching for something he was familiar with, like disgust, pity, anger, just waiting for the other shoe to drop, but he was always met with an kind and understanding gaze.

The two of them often found themselves at his trailer, as it's where they build everything. And when they weren't building, they were either helping each other with homework, or just talking about anything and everything.

Mei was also very observant, he thinks its a side effect of her quirk.

She notices the burns and bruises on his skin when he comes home from school. So she always brings first aid supplies, never asking where he obtained said injuries, but it was clear that she wants to know

She notices how thin he really is behind those baggy clothes. So she brings extra food with her, using the excuse of her parents packing to much for her to finish.

She notices how he flinched from every explosion that would occur. So she warns him ahead of time, just so he knows what to expect.

Izuku thinks this is different from the 'friendship' he sees at school. While they just follow whoever was stronger or more popular, he and Mei helped each other when they needed it most.

Maybe Mei really wanted to be his friend.

He finds himself helping Mei, too. Whenever the voices in her head gets too loud, telling her that she won't make it that far, or that she's too weak. He has a voice like that in his head, too. But he doesn't tell her that the voice is louder, that it screams at him late at night, saying more than just "weak".


"What if we replace the battery with an electromagnetic battery?"

"No Mei, those heat up to fast, it would cause an explosion-"

"Exactly! Explosions mean progress Izu-kun! What don't you understand?!"

"Quiet, you little shits! This is a library, not your fucking garage!"

"Not now Yoi-San!! We're almost done-"

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