Starcrossed jesters

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Jessie was huddled up under the roof of the bus stop, there makeup smeared from the rain they had been caught in.

"Ugh my outfit is ruined" Jessie said as the removed there hat and twisted it dry before sighing "how could this get any worse?"

"Is this seat taken?" Came a voice from beside the young jester, Jessie turned to see a fellow jester dressed all in red.

"N no of course not, please feel free" try said as the red jester sat beside them "I'm gatekeeper" spoke the red jester said, Jessie gasped "the gatekeeper? The world famous jester I'm a huge fan!" Jessie replied "o oh sorry I I'm Jessie" "it's nice to meet a fellow jester such as yourself Jessie" said gatekeeper with a smile, Jessie blushes softly. The two sat in silence until the bus Jessie was waiting for arrived "by Jessie" said gatekeeper as the young jester boarded the bus.

"What's wrong with me" said Jessie once they got home "am I in love with gatekeeper?"

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