Chapter 5

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(Kellis POV)

We were watching spiderman on the couch, well, of course.

Kirra was sitting between me & Billy.

But I kinda wanted to be next to Billy.

I taped on Kirras shoulder.

She whispered: "What?"

I rolled my eyes to Billy.

She gave me a I knew it look and tapped on Billys shoulder.

He turned to Kirra.

"Can you sit in the middle please?" Kirra says with a slith smile.

"Why?" Billy asks.

"Well.. this is just my favorite side of the couch hehe."

She does actually not have a favorite side.

"Well sure." Billy smiles.

He sat next to me.

He smiled at me, I smiled back.

*skips the rest of the movie*

"That was a fun night." Billy says smiling.

"I agree. You know, we could do this again soon." I say smiling at him.

"Yeah. Actually, I heard there will be a guns n roses concert tomorrow. We could go if you want." He says with the cutest smile.

"Oh my gosh I love guns n roses! That would be amazing!" I say with a big smile on my face.

"Woah really? Me too!" He says smiling again.

I slithy laugh.

"So guys, do ya wanna go to bed?" I say.

Kirra makes a fake sad face and says "But I'm hungry!"

Omg we totally forgot about dinner!

"Well I could-"

Before I could finish Billy says "A-a-aa. I can cook a bit so I would like to do something for you & Kirra."

Kirra & I look at him confused.

"What? That I'm a guy doesn't mean I cannot cook." He says and smirkes.

Ahh, I like him even more now.

Okay you caught me, I might like him a bit.

Okay, okay, a lot!

"Ok then." I say.

"What should I cook for you pretty ladys?" Billy says with a big, cute smile.

"I just want a sandwich." I say smiling & blushing at Billy.

"Me too." Kirra agrees with me.

"Oh and one more thing!" I say as Billy just wanted to ask us where the bread is, I guess, because he opened his mouth.

"Oh what?" He says.

"I want to help you." I say with a big smile while he already smiles at me.

"Great, thanks." He says and smiles.

He literally has the cutest smile.

*skipping how they made the sandwiches*

(I got a new style.)

Billy: "They're ready!"

Me: "Let me take the plate Billy."

Billy: "No, I'll take it."

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