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A big hall is seen, completely decorated with neon lights all over and all the big celebrities and some high profile business tycoons are seen attending that party adorned with their expensive outfits and jewellery. The elegant look of theirs are matching with the party but the moon of the parties are not here till now. But what party? A party which is held every year only once to develop better relationship of every tycoon with each other, to get to know others more well, and to make some business connections. Some come with plus one, some come single. But nevertheless, they all enjoy the party over night.

All the business tycoons and celebrities are mingling themselves with a drink glass in their hands when a matte black bugati makes a entry at the entrance catching everyone's attention since the front of hall is made up of glass, so reporters can catch the every moment of this night. Reporters outside the hall turn to that car and starts clicking pictures vigorously. Camera flashes can be seen going off every millisecond on car's tinted glass window.

People present inside hear the commotion and turn their heads outside. They all know who came in this car because everyone in India knows that person but what made them curious is, how they will come out giving current speculations going around about them. Which made them curious, but most importantly reporters who are waiting for some gist and some are waiting for their speculations to get confirmed so that they can boast that they were right.

Bodyguard comes out from passenger seat and open the back door for the person to come out. All are looking at the car door eagerly. A few moments passed, and a single high heel leg comes out from car. Everyone held their breath. A delicate and soft hand comes above car door. Anyone can see the simple but elegant ring adoring the finger of that lady. The nails and fair complexion of her skin is adding more glow to the ring.

That lady drops the hem of her dress outside the car. She puts her head outside giving view of her elegant black thick hairs and soon her face comes in view. She smiles and and then completely comes out from her car leaving everyone mesmerized seeing her beauty. Everytime she make a appearance, she leave them speechless and the people don't expect anything less from her.

She smiles elegantly and expensively at cameras and waves her hand a little with her posture straight and taut shoulder giving away her dominant and powerful aura

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

She smiles elegantly and expensively at cameras and waves her hand a little with her posture straight and taut shoulder giving away her dominant and powerful aura. Others are mesmerized on how can someone look so beautiful, delicate but at the same time can give away the dominant aura.

Reporters are clicking her pictures more frequently. Only camera flashes sound can be heard without a break of even millisecond break. She then walk forward with her elegant style making them whispers "that mean the rumours are true, they both broke up, that's sad, they looked like match made in heaven."

She can hear the whispers but decided to ignore them for now. She reaches the main gate of entrance and turns back to the reporters, waves at them again and enters the venue.

She meets some of her business partners who approached her seeing her entering the venue. She politely greets them and have a conversation and soon excuses herself.

Drunk in love ✅Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz