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Trigger Warning


"What does it say?" Kyle asked while leaning on the frame of the bathroom door.

"I'm not pregnant Kyle." I mumbled."Try another one maybe it's inaccurate." He muttered.

"I've already tried three tests Kyle, this is the fourth one. They're all negative plus I told you that my period started this morning."I said fiddling with my fingers not wanting to look at him.

"Goddammit Amaya what the fuck is wrong with you?" He asked.

"I didn't do anything." I mumbled, my voice cracking. "Why the fuck is it taking so long for you to get pregnant." He yelled.

He walked towards me and he grabbed my face roughly. "Listen to me, if you don't get pregnant soon. I will loose my fucking mind." He mumbled.

"Got it?" He asked as I squeezed my eyes shut."I fucking asked you a question!" He yelled.

"Yes. I understand." I said with teary eyes. He chuckled.

"So beautiful." He muttered to himself while stroking my cheeks."You're mine Amaya, I'm your first and your last no one else will be able to see you or fuck you besides me hmm?" He continued to stroke my cheeks.

"Now sweetheart take off your clothes." He mumbled. "I-I can't I'm on my period." I said.

He chuckled."That makes it even better sweetheart." He smiled taking my clothes off.


"Shit." He groaned.

He got off the bed and he went to the bathroom. He came back with a wet cloth. He wiped my inner thighs as he grins at me.

"I'll be back baby I have a meeting with one of my clients. He said he got the wrong amount of cocaine, I'm pretty sure my guys mixed the orders up." He mumbled.

"I love you." He mumbled, kissing my forehead."I won't be gone for long okay?" I nodded.

"Be a good girl and don't do anything stupid." He muttered.

He left the room and I heard his car drive off.

I have to leave, I don't know how but I have to escape.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower and I wore my black hoddie and grew sweatpants.

I don't have time to pack a fucking suitcase. The bodyguards will be here any minute and the system I deactivated will go off soon.

I tried to open the door but it was locked. I took one of my hair pins and used it to open the door.

After a minute or so the door unlocked.

I had to check If the house was till empty. "Thank God." I let out a sigh of relief.

As soon as I left the front door. The alarm went off. He probably installed new sensors.

I ran quickly before the gate could close. After walking for about 25 minutes I saw a police car.

"Please help me." I mumbled. The male police officer turned to look at me while the female police officer ignored me.

"Is everything alright Ma'am?" He asked.

"No please help me." I pleaded."It's okay Ma'am just get inside the car and we'll take you to the police police station." He stated.

I got inside the car and the officer started to drive. I realized that he started to drive at a familiar route.

They're taking me back to the mansion. No I can't go back there, Kyle will kill me. It's been so long since I've been out of that gated house.

"Don't worry Mrs. Black, your husband was so worried about you. We'll let him know you're safe." The female officer mumbled through the rear view mirror.

They drove towards the mansion and they parked in the driveway. The male officer got out and he opened my door to help me out of the car.

When I got out the car I turned to look at a very angry and scary looking Kyle. He walked towards me with a fake smile on his face.

"Thank you for bringing me back my wife." He muttered. Handing them two duffel bags. I'm pretty sure the had money on them.

"It was a pleasure Mr. Black." The female police officer said with a smile.

Bitch you're a woman you were supposed to be on my side and I know you can clearly see the bruises on my body.

Fucking dirty cops.

"Drive safely now." Kyle mumbled to the coops who got inside their car.

After they left Kyle roughly grabbed my arm. He quickly pulled us inside the house and he locked the door.

He threw me on the floor and my head hit the counter.

"Get out!" He yelled to the maids and bodyguards who were in the room. He took off his suit jacket and he rolled up his sleeves, loosening his tie in the process.

"Now sweetheart tell me, what did I say to you before I left the house?" He said, smiling.

An:Sage's Pov?

I love you all so much.🧡

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