Chapter One

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  "Don't worry this year will be different." My mom doesn't realize that she says that every year. "Yeah mom I know." I put my ear bud back in my ear, almost every year me and my mom move to a new city because someone always finds out my secret and tells everyone, we were moving back to the house we lived in a couple of years ago.  I just really hope that this year is different. When we got to our new house I ran upstairs to my room of course it is huge, I put away all of my clothes and went to sleep, after all tomorrow I have to visit some classes pick up my schedule and learn my way around the school.

    When I woke up the next morning I put on my favorite top, my tight skinny jeans and my brown wedges and I walk down stairs. I got in my brand new Ferrari and drove to school. When I open the doors to the school I go to the first person I saw. "Um excuse me can you show me where the front office is?" "And why would I do that?" Then he turned around and saw me. I don't know why guys say something before they even look me in the eye to talk to me it's so annoying.
     "Um sure why not "I follow him to the back of the school "I am Noah by the way ""I'm Chloe "Nice to meet you ""You to". " Well here it is ""Thanks ""No problem um see you later "      "yeah bye ""Bye ". I walk into the office to get my schedule. "Hi I am here to pick up my class schedule"  "What's your name ""Chloe Winters ""here you go ""Thank you ". I walk to my first class, I have taken all of these classes before because I graduated when I was 6 years old and of course he is there.

      "Class this is our new student Chloe Winters she starts tomorrow " " I just came to get my assignments so that I'm not behind".  "Ok class we will be doing partner projects so Chloe you will be with Noah and everyone else the person that's sitting next to you will be your partner"And of course Noah was my partner. When the bell rang I got up to leave and he stopped me.

        "Hey can I talk to you ""Sure hold on just let me take this call ""Hey babe what's up?" "Hey babe nothin just talking to you ""Lol omg I love you hey well I got to go I was just in the middle of talking to someone we are about to go work on a school project love you by "."By babe see you later be safe and don't take him home to your house or drive him back to over to his house you know you might be rich but not every one finds it attractive so do you like him?"."I will text you I really have to go by babe ".I love jay he is awesome he was my first friend and he still is we call each other babe not because we are dating it's just a fun name it's an inside joke you know.

      "So was that your boyfriend?" "What oh no he has been my best friend since preschool so we just call each other babe it's like an inside joke you know what I mean right ?". "Oh yeah so are you ready to go ""Yeah um well I can't leave my car here so do you want me to follow you to your house or do you wanna go to my house to work on the project and you could just go with me to my house?" "Um let's go to your house". "OK" "Hey mom my friend is gonna come over for a school project ""Ok sweetie invite them to stay for dinner "."um mom I don't think that will be such a good idea you know with the whole family thing " "Just invite her to stay for dinner " "Ok 1 it's a boy and his name is Noah and do I have to " "Yes " "Ok fine love you mom I will see you soon " " Ok love you sweetie bye ".

        Great now I have to invite him to stay for dinner awesome. "Looks like you're in for the ride of your life come on follow me oh and you're staying for dinner so tell you're your mom or dad or whoever but whatever you do just follow my lead ok " " Ok ". I started walking to my car when I noticed that he wasn't following me. "Well are you coming or not?" "Oh yeah and what did you mean by I was in for the ride of my life?" "You'll see come on ".

       We started walking towards my car and we got in "This is your car?" "Yeah pretty cool isn't it ""Yeah ". We got into the car and I put my phone on the AUX cord and put my playlist on shuffle and put down the top of my car my car was a Ferrari with a convertible top. The first song that came was summer girl by Leighton Meester, but all the songs on the playlist were covers sang by me. "Wow is this by Leighton Meester?" "Yeah but it's not her singing ""Well then who is singing?" "Me" "Really?" "Yeah".

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