My crazy life

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That dinner was probably the most awkward meal I've ever had! Like no joke. Niall was constantly up my butt to make sure I was okay and I reassured him I was completely fine but of course him being so adorable and protective wanted to watch but it got annoying after a while. Harry has been like hit with a lightening bolt and woken up from his childish days to get ready for this baby. I'm so happy for them they are just to cute for each other and the baby is gonna look gorgeous! I'm getting over excited I guess and it's not even my baby but because I get to be a godmother! Like who wouldn't want that?

"Niall can I go to the bathroom without you up my butt!?!?" I tried I say as nicely as I can.

"You have 5 minutes and if you not out I'm coming in!"sheesh

"Okay" I said awkwardly and hurried up and used the toilet. I had 4 minutes left to spare so I put my hair up in a ponytail after brushing. I made it out just in time before Niall came in. Geez I thought he was playing but I guess not. I walked out into the living room and sat with everyone.

"I say we go out for dinner anyone have plans?" I suggested

"Well not really so I guess we could go" Harry said


Everyone went and got dressed and ready.

'I was thinking Italian" me and Niall said at the same time.

"Jinx" I said. He just looked at me and smiled then grabbed my hand as we went to the car

I hope this is a good dinner.


I spent longer on this one! I hope y'all like it


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