Expert (H.S)

330 7 2

"Welcome to Camp RRR, where we respect, relax, and rebel. There are 5 basic rules to follow while attending this camp for the whole summer.

1. NO sneaking out

2. NO drugs, alcohol, parties etc

3. NO going to the opposite genders cabin

4. NO walking around past curfew

5. NO sexual relations with other members

"Follow these 5 easy rules and you will enjoy your stay here, disobey these 5 rules or any of them, you'll spend the night in the trap room. Got it? Good. Moving on.


Elisa Woods just wanted a summer away from her family. Away from all the fighting, frustration, and stressful episodes. She wanted something new, to get away and enjoy her freedom for some time.

Even if it's for only two and a half months.

Even if it is at a camp.

With rules

With new friends

With snobby red heads

With very hard tasks to complete

With pranks

With crappy lunch food

With troubled teens

With a very hot, mysterious, curly hair fellow with a pleasuring secret only she will find out.


Written by @BritishBaes21


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