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Ryley's house

"Sup lady" I said as Ryley chuckled a bit

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"Sup lady" I said as Ryley chuckled a bit

"You're such a child and you look like the 80s" She said

I laugh "let's just go and make this series" I said as I open the door for her

"Oh thanks gentlemen" She said

She enter the car and I went to enter it "ready?" I asked

"Ready" She said

"Then let's go and film that series" I said as I drove us to the movie studio with wasn't that far away

Hollywood movie/series studio

We arrived and headed to our trailers to get ready for this series that was about a cop and a bad boy from the streets that fall in love due to the fact that the bad boy was mistaken by a criminal, Ryley thought that it was the perfect project for the both of us so I agree with her and now I'm here getting ready to play the bad boy. After I was done I went out of the trailer to go and do the opening scene and as I was about to enter the camera Ryley came out of her trailer wearing a very sexy cop outfit that got me hard instantly, I shook my head and refocus on the scene as I did it and had some action in it so I did everything that was on my script before that I was done so I stick around to watch Ryley do her thing. After that first episode of this new series Ryley and I were done for the night so we change from our outfits and I took her back to her place where her brother Ryan was with the rest of Ryley's family, she side hug me and kiss my cheek thanking me for the ride which I didn't mind then I thought about asking her out but I decided not to now so I watch her enter the house then I drove away.

"I'm such an idiot!, I should have ask her out...gods why I didn't?" I said and asked myself

As I arrived home I went straight to my room and took off my boots and shirt then I lay down on the bed as I thought about how I will win her heart, but at the same time I didn't want to ruin our friendship that was build over her joining me and my bandmates with the recent short movie I made with my ex wife.

"Fuck!" I said to myself as I look at my phone and the picture we took after we watch that movie

Cleveland Ohio concert

Cleveland Ohio concert

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