Shameless Touch

50 0 4

It's mid August and the heat is unbearable.

You may think that at night everything is better.

The sun is down and there is a light breeze hitting your skin making you feel refreshed.

But that's not the case.

No air conditioner and a broken fan.

There is no way this night could get any worse.

But trust me it will.

This night is one of the hottest nights of this summer so far.

I am wearing shorts and a tight black sleeveless top but still, I feel sticky.

I feel so warm.

My skin has become so sticky from my sweat.

And him holding me as tight as he could is not helping.

Felix ,my boyfriend.

He decided to sleep over at my house tonight.

I told him that we won't be able to sleep but he begged me.

He wanted to stay over so badly.

I tried to explain to him that it would be too hot to handle and no one would be able to get some sleep but nothing.

Once he gets something in his head ,he doesn't let it go.

He needs things to happen his way.

What worried me the most was skinship.

He loves skinship.

Everytime he sleeps he needs something to hold on too.

And whenever we sleep together I am that something.

I don't hate it , I actually love it.

As much as he does.

Because that's his way of showing he cares.

Being affectionate is his thing and mine and the way to show our love for each other.

But I can't handle it in summer.

It's just too hot.

And now we are laying in bed at 3 o'clock in the morning sleeping.

Well,he is not me.

His grip on my waist is too tight,his skin is pressed on mine and his hot breath is hissing on my bare neck that is exposed due to my hair being pulled up.

Everytime I hear and feel his breath heating the back of my neck the temperature of my body rises.

And not only because of the hot temperature.

But from the effect he has on me as well.

Dating for two months now and still everytime he comes close to me my heart starts beating faster ,my throat closes making breathing harder and my stomach gets filled with butterflies.

Once again laying in this small bed not having too much space,our bodies being pressed on one another and my breathing being unstable.

I needed to be free.

To control my body, something that seemed impossible when I could feel every inch of his skin touching mine.

I am in need of air.


No response.

"Felix??" I said once again.

This time he hummed in response.

"Can  y-ou g-ive me some space?"


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